''i 23 S I ' ’ yV length, and then turned sup te-Tack which\the
fore links of the Chains H, H, Sa||feed:
H, H, Two ftrong iron^had^; the'fee-tads of which fitefkftened/tfo^rhe
Hooks G,G, and their back fendsTto-fhe Cat-hdad, Or, fe e .end of the Beam of
the Plough» with an, iron Boh.
I» The tniddk Wheejbof ,thfc Plough^ which is/itefoge m> the tftlt t©~ be
nSCifded t this Wheel «dvftniB f«ftr.aa4 three‘inches diameter*: ;hjwjj®^ an ut®a-
axi^ aa inch %uare»‘ driventhrotigk its a n & l^ s on two pivots in the ford
efid of the fide Rails, a
K, K, Two Wheels, thgj^ feet and eig%t|lhes diameter ; feed omt|efine
nave^the Wheel I : their ujejjs to prevent the middle W M from finking* too
i; de«)s®the .put., j 7^*~r~T. u--~iT~ , — .....-,n ,
■ 1 J he Beam’ e%^ f p l and % injhes bog, &ven inches broad at the
H m S % loches S b4 ind thV Cat-head,' and four inches and a 1,half-
thick fern end to etid. jjf
, ■ *?’ W a B B l two feet and three inches long, I M t
. half an inch thick : this Coulter is fixed in a m f c , cfefe behind the Cat-head
of the Beam, with a Wedged ift fides below1 the Beam are- thicker on^ the .middle
than on the^edges, and,; pafimg, through the, rut> prevent the.Pl%uah fro«i get-
tiag out;.o£Its work,,, _ ,s„. :■ *
■ 1 1 ® k°a Br?f^ E Stay,'5 three long, two inches,
broad, and one; fourth of an inch thick;: the uppfer end olf this Brace,is faftened
to the Cat-head of the Beam with an hop bolt and wedge S B S f l l ’other end
of it,is feed to the fore end of thc.fee Share, .tfrree inches, bjhhidis^ipint,' with
afprewand nut, j »jv
| fore- Sheet: it is made of iron, and™ two^eef’aid % inches ' w ,
three inches broad, and five, eighths of an inch; thick this Sheci JsSfened tJ
the near fide of the Beam, four feet and'four inches/froi/lts fora e«4» with
two % p a j.^ |e s 1,wih i^ are driven, through the Beam,.and are fattened thereto
tbesPfefide withferewsaod nuts, and between .the ftaples with A dfa»W%*i
bolt and kejr, and is. fet to an angle of 75 degrees; the under end, o'f‘,this flheet h
bent, io as to. proje<f ,;two inx:he,K before ifts.,upper pnd. '
P, The -back Plate of the fore Share: it is threefe’et long^two inches
broad at its point, or .^bre,end> one foot broad at its back.eud, v vW it is »vetted
fh® Sheatj and three eighths of an, inch thick. -
m O T J501^ ^ [.Sharet. it is two feet eight & es.W ;
two «iehes broad at the fore end,, eleven, inches, behind,, and three eighths- of, an
inch thick ; the;fore,end of the Share prqjtfts one.foot three inphes-frem the
perpendicular of the near, fide of ; the Beam.
. . Vle hln<1 Sheat> made of iron, is two feet five 7nch%" ’ longj tfcee
uibhesfiroad, and thr^,eighths ©f an inch; thick;: .this Sheet is fattened to the qff-
• a f® ofi€ f°Pt (lot* fa back end, and is fattened thereto with twoum
ftaples, driven through the Beam, and Wed on the neat fide,of the Ream,
and a ftrong iron bolt in the middk between the two feples; this'Sheet is bent
d^r2rf&‘to the 3hetft ° 5 and ^fms aB ifa fa with; the horizon of feventy-five
% ; the
C f3 3
; • S, The back Plate,bftlie ^hind Share: it is three feet long, two inches
.btfoad.before,■ hinder end, Where it'-is', rivetted to the Sheets
the fore end of this. Bh^e jpl'pjëfts- otie foot three inches from the perpendicular
of the öff*fide ©f the Beam.
ioTnuu The. bottoniof the hind Share ti it is of the fame dioaeöfioas as the bot-
The Bëtón';
M, . The-'CöJdlfer;’- J
N , . 1 'The Brace qf the "Coulter.
Ö, Thè före'^Siièet] , |
P, ^^Th^&e^ftate of me fqre^Sharfe; !'i ‘
Qh> The bdttöm Plate or the fore' Sfiaré. '
R, The .hind tWhefel. .
S, , .‘ "The bapk .Plate öffliè hind Share.'1
T , The Bottom Hath of the Kind*Sfiare^
U, U, The Handles of the Plough. ,