'[ tm J
iward theiWbb, wshreh the' iron trigger' @£ d e k -öf.'the ^ratchet--wheel X, ié
lifted) j|p with' the foot cM thejchrÜ - Y >
*b^ & ’* The Ends oh -the «ncter >Bratèé», mOrtifed into the fwords
Two Élat-ibaW&, feyen inches -diatoet'er, faftened to "the ehdè of
fehg. yanm-beam, jjfo ^eep Jthe,Aift -ofj/bhe wfeb true and evèn -on the -beam, -as
Eg^m>nted in fla te II.
X , V_ ARatchefc^wheek ^Éened to the-end ef the yarn-beam.
Y. , •. iA.'Görd’fafteniedi^ojthe^Bd'pfTthe'ir-on-jt'rigger-ror€li©k «£ theratchet^
Wheel, and to thji^under rail L , ‘.in'-thb-fijemt p f M K k 'a i
Zi >;.'A D&^-W^h%)^Cgefided fi0.^bheffep.d.« p£?a eord wound twfcè round
ithe)gtoo^ed wheel ,$, ,-apxl ^faftened %@ the 9 t arfjL^in fthe feont^o-f the loom.
This, Weight,..us ^forè-mgi^ipti^d^g ^ g f ^ - e g t h e , , weh forwards,' when
thg/ron triggers o f eliehsf-g-fji'he -ratchet^yheds are -iiftsed up with, the cords
%>: Z. -
P L A. T ■ £ t l M
>V~A GeopetricAl, 'L ö O "ï&i "taken Trom_ "the] fcdck"‘ficte Mrègf^
WK, 'A^‘ ' ThèfoYe É% S ö f tk&X5 ï&hv
"B, Th$;I-rori'Rodr J |f ^ c'
iQ, <Ci -fö, LTh-e. Woodeh Cylinders';'
D, B> 31 sPho tCidadles t» jthfe fore leg» M the thair« •
E, E,- ■* The under,'Jacks? ,n
E, E» - Tjife Skippers.
6 , G, &G^,f')Th,e upper Jacks-
I, I, Tl^erSwords,of,-the Entten.
H K:' J Twt> Ctèktt; h'^'PiecbS è ï Woody With lofïg ittAftifés tö ireceiVé
the fWdrds dFthé'hattdA/^
;M, The -Cloth heatn. 1 *' iA" ‘ •
N, Rp*?* *Thfe Étids 'ó£ the
O, 'CM The Ends ö f the. Hand-rail, or Cap of thé Batten.
-E, A'The, Hai-nefe* with its upper fta-vesj- &e-iu
<^, 1 The Tag'-lihek.. v.
* R , Rv Tw® Wooden Pullies and Pinsj &o.-
S, Thd-curved Iroh Frame* whh,*khe Pulhès-, &<?« ;
T , | Th® Ends"©f the Bobbin-frame* -fièe fig***' a
,J :¥v The'IGroo v«d Whedl*.. Which:.yatrte& thëheadftreigh«* j
U, Uj, ’ The ends of th^whder Ba{teh.*
■ \^, YV, KfEWo Flat-fliaWs, - oh. thé ends qf ,thg yarh-beam.
X, A Ratchet-wheel,* ïaffen'ed td/file end of the yarn-beam*
. D d . - Z, The