[ n ]
end of the wirqfrs flatted, for the convepiency of turning i t } the other end pafleS
through ■ the middle jMthe Furnlql,’ ;and fervfes as pivots for the'Valve.
j?f9?he Committee examined thisvOven, and were of opinion, both from the in-
fpedtion of it, *and tht&teftimeny.'pf the Regifter, : who had made frequent trials
p'f-it, j thatdt will be ufeful to private families, where the Bakers Ovens are at too
gfeat'ja dilj%ac£e>.. ;
Refolved tq'recommend to th^ Society to give Mr. Clemestjt,}, a bounty of Fif-
teeti Guineas, j-hq kayyig,,the Qven|w<itli3|he Society for the ufe of the Public $ to
whiph the^qciety agreed Janmty i 17,.
5?J,C - A P. ;VII.
A jbejcription of\fy[r. a ^ a n i p"l^S t Ajgi* B O L,¥ |p, 6-:^ IL t i .
P L 'A T:>« I. F I G; t.
A PetfpeElive View of the JylrLL, with thefiffulagfBence ^ of the Brush laid
open^ and its Funnels left out, tyjfg^tbe jnner JVfivf*
A, f l "\HE Ga%' of the Mifr, foiif feet four inches Ifrgh, three feet
I broafl, and two 'feet two mehd£ deep, having two draws in
litldrdritj one to receive the flour^Tid t'hf’-om&, toireceivetbphran.
v‘ B, “ The^S^p through^vhKh thqnSfeal is.fiftedfr its frame is> one foot ele-
^re%dlches loflj||’ one foot eight^inches broad, and five '’eighths of an ineh thick,
'and is'' covered on> its upper fyjfafg vyith, ^_nejwn1| cloth.
C, A \ Bcufh, ' one fodtfgfgven in&he^'di^nl&ter^jt^rim is. five Inches
broad, and onefourth thick Lifi|lrms.qf1ti^ iVheel arqan-inch and a half bread,
ancfain inehjaad one fourth Miklcr.' the tinder %fa®g,v»e bladk and arms, are
fill® with hogs-hair two inches dong : thl| Bfufh infixed .dii^aigtfd^ndle, the
und^S^^f whiph .has^ four arms, that .pafs^hrqugh the<armsof the Bruflij and
are fixed on itsmndet ’fide with iron nuts.
D, ThevRerb, or Hefo^that infclbfes the Brufh, to prevent the meal from
being -{batteredlabou^fhe mjrffBy the motion- of the-Brufla: this Kerb, is one foot
eight 'jh&hes‘":d ^ nete,rf,.'and W e jpefres and a half high,-having -a -cover fliade
of 3^alfcinGh*'btiard-j -in checmMdle of'which U 1 ' ‘^ghfr'-iliAes
diameter: at - its: upipdr: forface, and feifeii!’lfiches^&t dtS? uhde-r’ filtfadey'dnd- fitft
fences deep ;'’i.^''^hiipp* l.thc meal is'conveyed from the Hopper through thi; aper*
pare ]innthe~Bru£h to! theaSi%edE3to |
E, E, Two Gfdfesdfs, fixed in the fore and back ftyles of thef cafe of.the
mill, in the mkfdl^Saf which the fpindk'-pf the Spur-wheel turns,
- “PjT sdS -.The Jpuf-:wheel, ‘ in efe and .a'ihalfr'diameter, $ having twenty-one
cogs, ^nd* is fixed on -the' iron' Spindle G, one inch and a half above the upper
, fujface of the under Rail E.! >
/ ,Vo.X,;' II., G, The