C f î
inches thick the lower end of this Brace is tenoned into-the Brace X • its -up-
pet #ni below its Top-rail X.
I , The Top-rail ° f Styles ® * ^bh is eleven inches dong,. fptp:
aîçhfcs b?op,d,, gpd 4fiiBqf.,tfofclt,
jvere,^examined, by, the .(^rppiittps jpf Mechanics, who recom-
i»#>ded to î|g gpcjçty ^^^rqhpf^Jihe Models, at an expence not exceeding
T^fWt^f^^'^p^chjjît^fwhîçhjhiQ Soçiçty^gtéççiy .March 25, 1761.
£E k lM eMèHi?n, ° ? ~ rA a h akH Ôr^ i P ' f I E L D-G A T E.
■ j/ir î - g : - r.
' ’ A', r -| "AFTE G^OüK'dï?î;,' twô’ feéf ffiïee^ inches 'and three eighths lôngj
JL 'Çnrc^jffît'lTCs/âftâ tihdi'ëijHth''-broad,f%Âd’ !éâe'îhdir and three
eighths'thick : r'this*®!Pif nioîÆifêü' îiÀb! thh ’ fide Polls B, B, and Seï1 into thé
groijncL evêp with jts upper fü§àe&.K *!
-B, B , j T h é Jfcpb '^dé-pôfts, erevâ’teid twb fect and riine inchesJ aboyé' the
Vpper fofaeç’of the SiJl,‘ and 3fuÜk mrome^rfbund a depth Tufficïênt Ao këep &iëm
fiéady : the~^ | r t.1or-.Hanging Pdfly ‘is"4 thfee* jftchek :àhd-;dne‘ eighth broad, and
jpne'mch and'tTOee*fohrthspii^p‘ the" ÊaVch-lùîïh^Wofinches- and- dine foiirth
broad,, and one inch '.and a half thick. 'Jv'
T >A}. P» ' The Rails of the Gate ; arq* bnfej' fbB^eleven' inched And three eighths
Jang, egclufivcj; of theg'tenanS)# lw y inches aM*1a hroad; and orie’i inch and
t ft ree^eight h s *’^nck'r
D, D, I jT ne ^Ids or me Çafé^Sre two feéîFfi&'iêchèk'ààdr duhâlf IBfigj
tyo ijihhes^nd a halFbr^diSncf one fricliadd'âirè'b* ’ëfÿfths ihidk;
E, , , J'hé Gf^-Bracel. ^ phe'roi|t And' j:eh inbh’eslengfMe ifich and’three
eighths broad", and three, fourths of hif mohiftliick.
F, An iron Latch, vteith a. fpiraf handle,''»’Which pâlies through an aperture
in the fore Style, and> thins on an pan I?in, itf Jhe -fore, ctlgêlbf ffie St%|l, projecting
one inch, anB^t^ fstah tljprefrom, a^d falls jjMto The Notehy or Catch Q,
in the fide of thefPbfh _
' 9 f ^ ®ra®» or Beltnetal foirai .Ndt;'Vhplje.under part,is a .Goijfi4s let .Sâto
i tndghidadfel, 'till '>kS.ïllfoiïldêr;>lea^ on ib?ujlipsr fuiAbe’iSJthémnder.end pflthe
IjSollet, paffing^thrr01ag|)^e,Sil|}iis vvedged.,ô'Ffi^èlteJJ.t4ifsïuiider furface: this
[Ndt is tWô inches«_and a half' djafneter, ,threef feur^V of In inch thick at its Ha^k
gèdgç, ’and pne^ .eighth of a|Èh|lB|at its Jfor^e'dge,, where there is a fmafb notch
Jor 'th&Friétfon-wheel M 'tô feUfinto'Wne'n \he jbate is latched, and iff a ftate of
'.reft: put, as foon as it oped6,^ifc obtains a pendulous mpti0nr .by the Fribljpù-**
■ wheel ^afphghltÿqateîy dlier- 6hl| inclihetl plane, on each fide ofthe NotchTon
the fürfâce of the Nut. See Fig,1 1, and 3.
H, An