[ 4 ° 3
Y , ; T ie SpUftWheel, that.turris, the, perpendicular Shaft,
io. iTheiaêtóPSgöf the Sails. ?A'
w $ L A j^ E ; IJL _. F I G.; . 3. ,
"The. Plap o f the
' A’, A , l i e f ' * -Thé ehd'Pöftst
il 1 ~l^iir & - ^ e Vpp^f fide^Rails.
'N, N* , ' 'Töe uPP®r- eöd Rails:
O, 0 , 0 , O, The Scohp-'wHééls.
P j t ’jP jR ) -'The TroTagfis/ or Shut, that convey the water from the
wheel?. -
QV T' ' One, of mé Fra&efe thatitipport the axis of the ‘Scóbp-wheds.
IJ» One o f tn'e.kxlbs' ofthe Scoóp-whëdsi’' "
W, I TnëSpüf-Wlieëlp -fixed bn the upper end of die perpendicular Shaft.
' X, ; Thé Wihd-fiiM.4 ‘f
Z,, Z, S S I The Arms ó f the Sails. 1
C H A p . II.
A Defcriptidft of Mr, u ie r ’s VT I l ï D-M I L | | | | | dpainingfemy-
Land %pithx a, fd4fe-ypheel. t
R j Ti A W f
A FèrjpeEiivê V iéiv i f thé' M ifE 1/, 'idkëè f r ‘om the Pore Sideand
Back End,
A, 9 I ' H E Bate!, ■ 'ok the Mill is éeÊ& È : ■ '-ffes Bale is 'M>ur
X walls, forming ajquare of feven‘kfcftféètdghtf inches at the
V an^; ihpnes atits upper edge,' óütlide meafure, and nine
reef H gS r
H, _ ^^Groiuid^ls of the Mil : thefe Sills are one 'foot "three
inches 6roa(f| ana iune inches' thiclc,": forming a Frame fixt^en feet -fix iiiches
fquare, refting on the Bafe A.. '
C /C,(£ tV •'*' Tiie róuf principal Toils,'1 pXhéteeó fëét' JÊüé mches lotfg flipi
ihoulder to^&qulderjjf thjpir, tenons, andqrie foot fquarë; athe under iphds bf thefe
Tofts are moriiftdhnto t¥ie Sifts'E', ifcfc.'Vnd their upper ends intothe Frame D, '
A JPtfide thé tinibërs bf iyhich are
^l»**H**?- hkl|ed together, ’ and mörtiféd oh_Jhe
upper ends of tle^Tdrfs'd, (flS^d. ^
E, E, É, E, Four