was therefore though^ yejjjf probable,( that when .this ufefii]
p u b lish will be the mej|fs .of extending this'and all other branches "of g'?i<y
• woollen1 m anuik tfc’ur e in-this JtingHorri.
III. ..:
fulphur, at fMy"are at'eVe*ry Heat 5 (•v^ttib*h 'is! 'about fix>'hundred' tWe'k^mV
, in ctaprboifiComb-pots)' 'neither is the .wool feared, ifhrivel.led'|»or fmuttedfejy
the exceffiye hea&rand^foulhefs-rf the combs, as it frequently ^b^jbe'm'^thod
^jSty?in practice.
IV. That by the application" of ,two nOnc^ve iron »plates, funnel, &c. a.
grpfer t e r e e g f heatws cOTgreyedi-'to tbeninderjiitcfr <i the eomb^ and the
lhapf) arM^enaer pomss,|Slhe bioacheshre c^endfedffromithe
extreme heat, wlych, 'in conlmon Comb-pots, for Jwanfi 'of- fuch a contri-
'vance,f are -frequently' heated redJhot,- b^rnt^and bent in many placfes^ « S i e
great Prejpdiefeof the combs and the wooj.
V\ That'by ^this memOTl%^%V^W^^re|^aMnd^foiJ)'eFl d^gfide^cf
heated the comb^4he eblbur 'of^thd*w'oof.'ife^Merved, its cuilcd entangled
fibfesdrawrr qu£ 'to a greater extent, and jt s ftapje?|ffe tHat.ni^S,
confiderably lengthened.
VI. That this improvement'"pf the Comb-pot’wiffSe'thd mcanVof |irc-
fervjirgthe health and li|fl* of many thoufanci.ypol'kombc 1 ,, S H B f | t]JC
.^ th o ‘d now m ule, are daily breatifiifa^thbl^r^i^ewlifees ^ ’charpoa'b
imp,^,r* t ^ ftrongc fl confliliiticln^ ahdYtnders^%&e^
life they enjoy extrexMty^rnilerlble. '
The Committee was ©f opinion that "Mr.' H a Y^ A,^ ^ S jn g en ioB s^ ^ c£ -
^ U hooSs^ss ^ Bounty of Thirty Guin'easlf To^w.liich the
Society agreep, - AjmifiB,
TI |E Sopetynhayingr been informed that our m p ^ ^ woolfen",
§m%mnln&3/fir • SB/,’i ^ e ^ t r e m e l y ; difficult,Jin ^ie fummer, leafon,
V he?. i^ork, tg^rocure a lufecient*nnftiEqr'bl
hands, to keep their weavers, &c. employed T'antf'TlfatfTo^wlStb? proper
°CsgSS .the a^ ^ a a t^ c J raM - i^ J n
£tt°f~,PiecB goodst are often ^^tl/retajrded^td the prejudice oLthe manu-
faduj-er^ merchant, apd^ nation m^dneraT; the 'Society therefore concluded,
that an improvement of the Spmniffg-wheefwemiefte an ?ol)je& -^ortHybf
% n n-°itlce': ^BBf^gi^^^^publilhed^ the following advertifemen^,M^
“ For the beft invention of a machine that will fpin fix threads
?f Jtemp, or .cotton, at one time, and that will require but pne
' peffon
[ :tn3;
perfon tos8twi|lfe„and attefidiit: (ch'eapnefs and fimplicity in the confbm&iofl
will bei c©|aj|dered its merit) for the heft, Fifty pounds ;" for the
ffirnnd heffc,’ p|kentv-fiytc. poundkyifo
In pQHjfe|[jience q£vthjsfe premiums, feveral ingenious improvements have
,been -Spinning^ wh|1ik;- Mspfi-*as*. neither of them effedhially am
fwered the gja^pofe intended, tK^m emiums were continued; an4 a machine
for lpinmng’ fi»\ thicadvvas produced by Mr. George Buckley, and examined
by• ihd^qffiipit^’ee Manufactures,:February 28/1 j!6$« '
h a m 11.
f j r p ^ v T S l s i^ ÏH b 'iN ^ w M Ê Ë L : ,
T HI n Wheel fpin* f^o^fmclicP, aiutpccl^ ’a r i f e fame time; ’the wheel
jjr.is fixteen inches and tl 1 r c i qi^ft.c^s uliSmcfccr7 ;ind. three 'quaft'efs'of an
mich tMTI , \\ ith ‘a gr»]mc .on it-, p^nphuy •-ror tnef qïras or' Sands ^hiell
pt|uuc lure fpindles, Bobbins,1 anO m s , xnem? XMvem elks' ate curioufly
made," and muèh improved, by'this. Gariffid4 g;jrcn| - axis of the wheel furns
in two. wopaép^M^&" twhifh 0cell! 10‘naJ 1 y' i^O\3è up a'fad1 down in a gfoovë in
’or' the' two[uandard poft^iMrama info''tïremea'drlÉHe machine ; tbéfe
iffidu-, icgiuatc t'bp tightnefs of. Ane hands, ny meg|ss df|a WÖoden:fcrëwr‘irïi
’ffifted M o the .hed**q£ tlie machine ;--pkfs fdpew Ï8 códneted, tO/ the fii^éfs,
aad-is -ufed_£o3i.the^iiEpqfe„hefo.re-m.entioned.„.ivTheMfreadle, crank, rod, &c.
ai.c' jj;cJlr('hfpofcd^'-dnd properly fixed tq.’gfr^freedom to the movements, and
thegfpipner »ai.tful-l and readw..sommand q&th'em,, - rOiT alt- »OGg^tesC The
Wjippl isLcpnnecled to .the'Spinnijig-wheel 'WithJa eefd 01" band, which re-
volyes pound tthe.nut'iQfpthe/Wheefeand the navè^ctf fine reêr; the tqnfipn of
this band^Lègplated by a;XQp| ofrftick, _ t:v () fecuiqncAnch long, and one
inch diameter; the end.pfithk |° 4 is lmlrted'tin^ • a round, hojtbs in the bed of
thejSpinifing-vfheel,. and the other ejid ferews, inj-Q-the ftem, of the* reel,, its"
nut,, aufemale f^ew^iyhicji.frCfe| to let |hé; reèï_arid Wheefyt ,a greater Or
lefsjffiftance frotm each} pthpji; bv‘ whiclir means the._ dcl^^or band, 'is eafily
fi^ainecL or loofened^ Rt-pleafuic 1 *"RU the/numuLt" of yards|rai thfead fpun
and reeled, -qfeert^med by a .fignaf giyemwith "a hamd^er,' properly fixed for
nwa^rtexannnei and v^orkeAfin preférice ofr thé qoiifvCom-
mit^tepsji (TjAIanufrclurgs and MechanicsS^fe| cam'c^ tqj" a 'Kefolution that
m m ,W entitiprl to. - the j Premium of Pounds',' for his
™ G g ™ B B H r Spmhing