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A-Defcription o f Mr. G a s coigne ’ s F ’A L L I N G I T Ï K G Ë," taken
in lts fu ll Dimenfions.
F I G?. f, .
A, n p HE, fide of the upper Hinge, that is to be fixed to the Door-1
JL poft: it is five inches and three fourths long ; its extreme
breadth is two inches, and one fourth and one fixteenth thick. See A Fig. 3-.
F I G. 2.
The fide of the upper Hinge, that is fixed on the edge of the Door,
is five inches and: five twelfths lqgg, ope inch and five twelfths broad, and one
fourth of an inch thick, having on one fide a curved arm, through the centre ,o£
which the Pin G paffes for it to turn on. See Fig. 3.
F I & 1,3a.:;
An End Firm of tie upper H ing e put together.
AJ The Side; that is to be fixed to the Door-poft.
, The Side, that is to be fixed to, the edge of the Door.
C, The Joint or Centre, on which it tüms.
F I ■ G.
D, The upper part of the under Hinge, which is to be fixed; at the: bot-
tom of the Door-poft ; its e^tnane length if live .isehei and léven tviielfthè.;'its
extreme, breadth is two igghf? ope fourth, and one twenty-fourth of an inch
E, ‘ The centre Pin of the pj^rHipge. ,
Y - F ï &
Thelowerpart of thr under Hinge, Which "is tó ËefixedtÖ'tliebót-
tom of the door : it is four inches and one twelfth long* one inch and five twêïfths1
broad, andf one fourth of an inch thick, its .under end forming a fegment' of a
circle, to receive the FriéÜön-roller H, and is covered with a brafs Plate,, the under