[ ]
K, The Stare*. See iSteheferiptidn of K; Big.1 i*< ■
lorip >1 • G' lU ‘ R E HI. $
Ek E j.r lT b e Sicies qf the Snare.
H} The Midme .Coulter. *'
K, > t The eurxe^;pM ^ %§^F£Uc gjUgf§ l . h n .
This Horfe-Hoe was tried at KenmngtofCommon^ the 34$^ c£ | | |g | m p ,
• in prefence'hf the Committee *o£* Agriculture"; butlome M M fHe-
ypn properly H^de„, M B M P
agreeable*to*the model, the c|mmit\ee poftponed Jgg further |™iu^rkio^ of
it ; to A ^ h ic h jlje ^ e ^ agreed, -^%y3%
c h ’ j u i c
A pejcrfytion o f M r. R il^ fts f^ s’^-L O l)G I f l"for 'fuH U n^uftleatb^r°6Jid-
A /-j~*\H Bridle. - «fpot( •- faffengd y ith att^iroh |>bk
^ {l through th? fore'’eM iifih ^ c a S iH " i
! The Beam, is^eiglit*|iet long, ‘and ffoffr< inches'- iq^epat'the^tail 1
end"dirniniftiingXro^ the ^ & Y
three inches fquare^ , • , ,. oj Ti
C The Cleat* or Piece of Wood nailed tb -th^ d e^ f the Beam^^^ne
fbot’d b f» ip^eis'long, , t k e ;
fide of'this Cleat there are two notcheSj b^mor tiles,, t^^ceive^th^em^cii -
•fularjkongues o f^ e gauge preffer D, F. j ^ g
I>J The Tongue of the Preffer, is Three' bnj^s^brt:^, and one^%ch
thick; its upper end paffes loofply through the fi^e^orrile of th e p e^ ^ id
is fattened thereto with an iron pin, which is
*- E, The -foot of the Preffer, Sr curved ‘ 6 auge,^nVne fficles and’ an,
half’ long, from the heel t o 'tta toe, ^nd fe v^ n ^ c h ^ fo a d , including its
thrill?. This Gauge feryes to regufate the‘depth of theTuidoy, and t ^ c f s
or lay down-the heath taforfe the Qoult&ics and tee.^ i *
F, The feriii-circular Tbhgue of the P-reffer, is pierced with Holes w®ich |
are hbmit half atf itah dittanCftom -each Other-:: Sts under End ishhbrtHbd%to'
theSoot of the' raffed of byitnpvingotherirah I p
. whifih paffeshhwhigh k.’ '
Q.. The F-ore OoUlter, is.-ohe foot Eleven inches.‘long, four iachesAmad,
and three-fourths of an inch thick, on its back edge. This Cdda^ife&t
■ pi