• [. 4 i '
pf Ej<E-,.E, , _Fdjae^le-yails, ,fen feet fix; inchesr long from fhoulder to
Shoulder o f theii' tcnoiEj^bnc toot b r g ^ apd ten inches thick, framed into the
principa-h^offs.'A Q y^ - fi^ff®X|feifeendicular above -the Sills B.
wJ»F;(F,vF, Fji'^pi’i <ffi Eight; inches long from moulder, to
mf-vtsheif,, rplh& ^ ^ S ^ n ddnches fqjparer: /thfi-fc,. ?ofts are framed into
-the» Sills'li,,.andi I^ulsjE.
hvI3p G, ' ~Rva^<l.g ..^wplllfeet.. fixpmehhs1 Jong,. one doom-broad, and ten
inches jthfokWmapli. qp^f'A#.>R.aiJs js not(^h^h^l^tl||.i| depth-, and refi on the
Rails F, E, one|pl!ljfom| mchcNrom p ^ ^ th e f „ (and fo ile d jfierefo fidth
wooden. ^»inSil.
Hj H, - XWd;!;R.aikj9^®'?fa^e1;d}menfig^S' as, ^ e ., Rids, G, /Gh, halved j mtg'
them at'orie'f’lqot' foui meins fiom cachvdHicr, and reft^<y|he,j^ppey^furfac.e of
the Rails E,-;E,- fafkned'tfe^ to ik ith .Wooden pfos,'
I, I, S^c^®H^o'uppej iRVil'^ fix fee^ Iqut iri^es|^lmg[‘Jtom jthgul^er^^o
^o&deripEtheiihtehpns|f|ri^ ft%f broad, -intqJle
! Tofts (J c CC, whuh mu,) d^^a Rtfl\l!.fked Xadhe<«% £ A I § ,djtX.Hi H.
K, .{fc^ii.oiStdngula; d i u i d i o l l 0 wMfoft e^f^^engmhis^in^tef^n
'feet' three maches;: fit^Sftlitee? fefet- /diatneferdatfi its- J[p8e'r ^nd^^hic^^is^fexpd to-
ithje R’ails*G.sjS» and H,
^Rail's ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ i^ h / A e ^ ^ n e i j W
•fixed, (i;o prevent sit&i moving : x l^ e a v i t lM ^ ^ ^ ^ u i^ ^ s ^ e foot inches
-diameter, from the upper;;furfaee.„gf MiejK(^h;'j ^jh'e., ' mnlli/
, foet^five .dnihe-s;-in ^ whud^ jpart
the tindll frame of the hea^ofothe Mdfire^lves ^|p\§k%abovef tMdipper lur-
•jjace’of the Kerb L : foul Rails,, fix feet fong,. ten ^ p ^ d ^ p ^ e i^ t ^ ^ e s -
Sthickr are framed together, a l|| le t thrmfiigfes mto foL
to it with ftrong fdevv-boits,. a^d foppprted with fSuT jacket-., forming Wbolder
for the h e ad ^ jtH fW ll' totbeai dn.Jfrdm the HPr^r^^^J^^h^'hoIfierj the
“ Trunk is'Slade round, Mill-lWad ttyns.
L The, Kgrb,‘ beid^foW paces'’'of Ember, ode loot fibroid, «hml^mne
foches"thick^' nfor fifqcf ~ f o r f o 1 a' Frame* fixed
on the Frame - 4 ,h\ .
M, The pdrpep'4fou®, Shaft, of, the M ill: this Shalt ^13 twehfy-feven^ teet
fix filches long,^®^me dmcft«''fquare; 'tfiMri'g','&a Alft pvbts h the 'bntfer'pivot
tUrns inW b r^ ^ W R s® .^ p P P ^ * in the:
middle of .the ijL , , * X
N A " Wallower, ‘th,re^pt"'§ia&btteV navM^J ’fevlflteefa T t h i s
Waljower -is fixed on the,Sh|'i|M, ^
' tion to th0,v,emca|T;rbyh'^^P^O:^ ” . ' .
O A.1 verticCl'Gmw^phe'e’l,' efe^t'fi'feet diatfetefi^h^idfi fisst)dfeighl$?ogs,:
this Wheel is fixecToii tne“mner cliff i^^Se'St^p-mfeel. M
P Th4f sh « ? t^ t * S ^ i S ^ 4 nd\i®^n rWfi|el?*f ten^f|et,
m'nelrinches lq^| Xrom I t e d ifoimto fliMHIf | H H H If©«^two
IvmcfeTfquar'e : ite oufer ^ fo t^ b fie foot dfarbteet, 'and; itseffih^f pivbt ten inches
I I W M B M Qv ;Tbe