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A G R I C U L T U R E;
A ihort BWW H B BBj ™
,. in ‘h e^ S ècietfs E epoßto'^ Jof ay , » * / E
I ï i ~ m I p .
‘ - Defcriptton o f Mr. Clarx-s D R A I N p L G i J G H
T 1 1 8 3 ^ ^ I ^ B S others, was tried'on W M ,
A. fenc^ ox the Committee of Agriculture. Thefe Ploughs l e r e B in.
B B E B B R S Q i i ™ ™ M ^ I ^ W a f febi
tom ; the fides equally Hoping, the earth, raifed and delivered on the fnrface of
the ground at each M g t h e drain. The Ploughs Were firft tried with f i « 8
but as tne ground was M M and. a little ffoney i t the bottom, thelr feength
W * % :6me tte reflftance5 ifwas therefore refolded, to add
two;more horfes to the team, wh i c h i n e f f e d h u a i , for the reafoh Wdre-
mentioned. the Committee therefore ‘appointed another time and pkcewferC,
.he gmund was more-proper for the experiment. Accordingly afecond trial was
f n ° U Z7 w.here^the.pfoughs before-mentioned were worked with
£-gf r lfeSS anQ performed to the. fatisfadion of the Committee, and many Others,
H who
t %
,ydfo:^r&ofii opinio^ MffytlltZnke ^IPloughwas forèfefffble^tOithe~Plöughs of
tëbé oth6^e»8(0.idët^-^Uüv',epnf8^ti’ëneet ó f 'which the Gümpïitteé-Refolved,
•IPh'at Mï . Clarke was intitled té^hef preiftiumt ofr'fifoy’êötinds ‘y to Which the
iSÖeiety agyêe*di>^Öj|ilk4y8i#'fo^6i;^d
r ^ < s hêafe&f fechSs -'brotó,Tand three
ïMches an#thifé*e qüartlér$ thick at^théttail endj ïdtpéring‘from the iheat:to its
^fetóé'ehd,' wMchfistmófrtïfeti iniiö thë'middle fofoa trariföfo'^fot efofs rail; tó
H |ieh it is/aliened wïtfoa*fqnaie"ii^®b'ol't, dhdi'wédgètr''^At each lïde of thë
beam ^erë fe^foua#e^afoyfohrve*d^hdïthpefëd in thed fame maöner at the
..beam/ Thê fó ic ends of'thefc Ihails aie mörtifed ipto the ‘tranfom, or.crofs
^ttho/oie^pa) to fth o "plough; thgifiback ends extending about four feet
^erefrom, are fattenedtogether ‘Wpmplaaih or fTijp dfoyood, and two trundles,'
which pafs through the* ihafts o| the fhafits from
tockother,'1^S<t\^bl/ ê | | twpy itches foom but t^ToutffTherje is a roller or .gtrage
fixed to the fore end ohdihTplougji, ,.to regulate'the depth.of the drain ; this
^OTbr'isfole^enhhchesddnl^ëtcf;1 a^Hwènê/^rfhlies' bfoad oil'its periphery.
At* each hiid, aifd hi* thdCmiHdle 'of thefrólföik Mere1 is' a^crarh^or èhin plate
fof * iron, .fattened thereto^ with ood-fcre\\rs. ^,T. ^cfe plafesC^rettHree inches
largerinifoafflqtpy.jhan the roller, mlfcdr^lnten^ed.^dkeut jthe ground before'
the ;couhers^#hiicli:3 arC^^^bfed fo’ïdÏÏÓy/m thet f ac tJ^. ' Thj|
turns in two angular irohfFanies fdftetied to the Ütidelbf^és of the tWfhafts,
confie(3he'd''to the beam'hi**lflfófo-niehfibiiedf ' The unSSf'eftd'^ oPth‘erthrel;
coultprs a^ihfêrted''into. the^nghlaFqfqints ‘o^ffiê^fharé f the upper ends''öf
thé twó fide cóulters ate fattened t6' ffië 'ÖiA'fi^ "'"^rid ;fthef upper 'end^f aïhè
middlejepulteï is inferted into thfe'We^m^ and/allénêd fhefoïo'with^èdges1.
The extreme width of the fhare is .ten. inffiel; the.1 length ^of !the PlÖri^Ê
from thVpbinf of 'the fhare tp the tail-epd of the' ground-fell/' is three^foèfe,
ïïx inches, "
N. B, The'ingenious inventor óf this Plough, ha^nng1 difeovered fome
improvements which for a trifling expence might be added to this ufcful iri-
‘lïrument,’ ‘ too'k th^.firft opportunity to, make another Drain-Plough, on fthë
fame principle as the former; to which are added the following improvements,
viz. , /
The guage or roller of this Plough is of the fame dimenfions as the former,
but has only one comb, or iron plate, which is fixéd in the middle of its periphery,
projecting three inche^beyond its-furface; the iroh frame which contains
it is connected td a , quadrant or Segment. of a circle, pierced with
holes, which fetve to elevate or deprefs the roller; by wfoèh means the depth
of the drain is" partly regulated, arid the point o f the fhare#fet in a proper