in a right fine with the point: of the Uw« and the hindcoulter, far which
purpofe it is bent, or tum'e^off af fight angle«, under the beam, a* repre-
fented in Fig. 2 ; hut it is fet in »„contrary direction to the hind coulter, in
Lrder to g>iefs-and cutffhe heath .as it paffes over it. Its angle of inclination
is ”t^i^^-Hve*'degree^" and its cu t^ g^ p lh t ir^fwo feet levenTnches diftant
grom%he poiht "of-the fha,rcf *and’ four feet from the fore end of the beam.
K gThe hihd:,jEpil®ri is twq feet long, four inches broad at the upper
End,, and ®ng-/mcB^and ati'-imif proad .at ;‘jts .point, - which is one foot fix in-
phes diftant point of the fiiSre, inclining to. w0 horizon twenty
The^Jd>^h-ll^«^.iM|,«jWj' t v r p l o n g , f r o m it* point to the
Fpreiendfof the grOund<-rpft, find tep inches and an halbfrpin, its point tOrits
■ boulder; k« c\1reij^hrcVdLmishiine»jnches-and'^0;ha|f*
B ,fL 0A. round,Iron RpJf, pr flrape,. Ppp.-fQOtjtten inches foPg» -and ope
inch thick, with-a iht.hf^d infected tfrf> grousd-refi? and
St mprtife apd key to fafipp ipjitohMif upper fidomf the hepn t, its difiance from
Kip "point pf thedfifUdis. pise^inphes and, an half, and its upper pad gnp fppt
Kmc Inches difihnt lioin the tnk-end of the beam,; -t
Fi TheiMpuJd-bpard'i T is iftchcs long, one, foot thfeednghea
Iffoad, and'Slffi inch and an half thick: i^s taihend fqpt,¥o\ir
^ches-,and,-an half from ther fide of the, beam/’ and is fattened thereto with a
Rrongt^^^^n-trundle,-mInch pMes'through it and the beam: afeis fattened
Kfq.with pails *tpthe under natt .of .hhe right handle, and anpjther trundle
■ through the Iheat 3 it?, inpUnation tp ,fhe horizon is iqpdggrfee^,
Sheat, is. .twdr-fe^j&x .iflr-V-*" .add an. half
Broadband t^d ipfihcSfahd tilhsk f edge is one fppt one inch
Kiftata: ffom tlje pointiofs{±he. Jhare,, and ft&anjdp of inclination twenty der
grees ; its under end is nfoVtifed' into the ^roundy,tefi, japd .its upper epd into
Khe beam.,,
K N , The, Gdojmdpreibrtisypne footpldyen’i^chps long, from its t|il-eiid to
Khe focket of the fbare, fomy inches».brpad, agdfhflee filches thick-.
I O, A hVboden Trundle, (hiv^jt^hpongh the under hapt ipf the pnould-
Kpard, right handle, andfegrPund-reft.
■ s*R> A Wooden $racp*, mortified,fp^o thedhpat and the.under fide-of the
K»;Q, I 1 nl;'irrun^le,,, driven through tfie night handle-and .the beam,
t dl, R, ^The Handles, with which, the plough(is held ,and directed: the
Bfetrpme length pf; the right handle £rom*the ground-reft -£p its upper end, is five
■ feet; its width at the bottom,- four .inches-; and ifs ^icknpfs, two inches
Bind ^ Th||f: jthe.Jbngth.of handle is feiy.;fget ppp.. ipefii its breadth,
Bpur mepes and an ha}f 3 and,its thicknefs, three inches-
KjTb.is ,Sf?3s. referred to the 1Qomnbt.teey§f Agriculture, who wgs of
»pinion that the addition of the fore coulter, the manner pf its operation,