I >J%4 •];
Sptótüiag:-'#fièiEJ.nt {§S8ê®y
i jb f . *
A P. . III.
A Jhort JDtefcripiien of^ff.'^froMAS P er| en- | ^ P I N !N 1N G - W H E S E s >
^ T 'lfl'ff Machine^Moiilfei6ted.Qa,the priftciplesVjof- a common wlmeh'ifor
fp^ijnit)g.;twa-thf£adslVf - flax,- "orrhemp, >ab the fame„'time,.‘ try? oiie
pterhm.-«’ •
It was, exasfincd and wt^l^ed in' pmfencer>f the .joint Committedflsf Ma»
rtufa£tufes and Mechanic’s", who found it ckmfl: rudted off plain anlfffimple
prjpeiplep ; and, as-it had^heAp^ufed with^fu^cefs^ and. came, well .repryu-
inended hy the^Minifter arid^^Church-waraeps of pie Pariih e‘fT Martock,*iit
fii? Cdppfy of Sqmerferi the Cprmiiitteerc%me to a Refohjtiorito give,the
Secpf^Rrenuwni Ten Pound's, td the faid Mr..¥H;cm®|5PEfi.l?^i9j aa^as
he hadf hpen at a ppnfiderable expence in hringiqg it to Town, 1antP naa heen
jjpi£f opl ,thajt account a long rime, (the Cpmmiftep recommended it^to the
(Society torgiyg.a farther Slam of Five Guineas. - ^’o Ayhiph the ffoclery-agreed,
March.25, J&fojj r
: A * jg | |§ § § g |g r;
AJh^tliejc/iptiqnoif Mr* T h,omas P erron’?H .O N G SH ED S P IN N IN G -
’W f f E E T .
I '^s comnjonly j}i(e . wo'yK 'OT’^wd peopld tp fp ifl ^barfe linen yarn With
TLongfi^d. Spinning-wheels ; viz. one to draw out the flax, dr hdmp, and
the other fo furn the fwidir^-wheef; this Candidate has contrived a ttiethod
of luting the^ expellee o f .the latter, and, at the fame time, twifi the yam
with mote accuracy“ than can be done the ufual way i this is performed with
a ftrqng fafli-ljne which revolves round feveral ptilHes, as hereafter mentioned
: pn the axis of fhe twifting'-wheel is fixed a conical wherrer/with
three grooves fpx the fafh-linlSI» run id ; over this wherrer, about five feet
from the, ground, is fixed a Angle grdbVed ^pulley, ten inches diameter: two
, - * ("other
t | m ] ■
other pullies, of the fame dimenfioiis, are fixed to a poft at the,farther end of
the’’ filed ^^ffl^pteMO* the twifbing-wheel,' diftant therefrom about twenty
yltrds ; thefe pullies fupport, and give a proper diredtion to, the falh-line;
(v libvfe(j-nd^ uc ,f^heu:Ltng|thyr) whifeh revolves, like a common jack-line,
fou'ntT^^pilhes befdf e-m.enti©|ied:' “
*The under limb or the "line is conveyed on, at right Angles from the conic,
wherrer, toan .horizontal, p^lwjfix^-about. ten or twelve inches frpm the
leftJrde^of the twiftmg-’wheer; the jmpér limb JWcafried'up, in an obliqpé
dfreéHon Frqm. the 'Iaid rXherrcr, alipphfive. jeet, froip. the ground, where it
rernlvusjo u 1 id a* crt-ica/ pulley fixed fiver the horizontal pulley hefofe-men-
tipned ; this iinè^ are turned off atIri^t, angles’with the face of
t-hg tivifliiip-v licch^nu xe\|jf\,c ipund^wo .vjxffcalnulliesLfixedj one over the
o t lfir jt j / p p l l at-riiS fiuthVr cod 0/ fhc^hed,’ or walk, and a£t m contrary
’^rpAmn irpVear.h. nthe.r^ ih f f l in motion .W a Imp iron pin fattened
to ^smdlej; limb, .yifl lera Jippl/, or doom tied round -fhe waift’of the fpin-
ngr d K^h. Jirnha. ri&^f e^ine^in paralW with one énd of thé
fi^d ta the ot|ier,: »the imdêr, liml> i/ fiyidat u convenient fiergnth fi-pm the
grn7in^ forVbg fpirineyjtp lay hmffof jjan^f^fent^e^etp,, an iron pin, and the
^ o k rip'di rrinrrd rkeWa^fb o f‘ the fbinnet : who*' by that means, draws* the
line .after her as,ffié walles backvaul idTlic end of tl)e filed! ' by this fiiöplé
twiftmg^whccl.M.TjMh in moftion, .aA the'jhreaHJs fpun and
warped" at”th'e"fkme “time,' without -the;affiftairee ©f any other perfon to turn
|^he tw ^ n g rwheel.
fk /jlic ie i f another line, pfcband, wMfe en^ ar^jSfised in the Side manner
"lk tiie ioirnei ^ffiis Tine runs inja groove Iw.lbe Ivlftittg^wheel, and gives
moti»Ffo rile Tpiridles Which fpin the threads..the tehfioiïsöf -this '.fine is
fdgulated by^wo' Vbbclert fcf^S' fitted5 lidriic“ upper part of tn^'ftamd o f fhe
machine. A t :ithë f ight-fide óf ttodpinner, si-teachiend of Hle Walk, is fixed
a With bats, ór ttCffitdlêsi pröpèriy fitted’to receive the warp, or thread,
and lèafe. "i
■ jpjjfe-:|tfeéhidé; wiri:êlamihed^hhd"Wörked thcpteféWCe of ;the joint Com-
mitfèék *èf 'Mahufaiftilfés and Mecbariks', ’ who -Were, of opinion that it Was
d4ftr^ing :bfr thei Firft Pfemium of Thiity 'Ppuftds j tb Which the Society
dgtèted-, April e-, Hr yêé. f