[ f M
long mortife; when thè .jawtèaible
another, the pin is fattened tb die under lenflipf tI^;;moyil4:^pafd,;^ H :ithe
fcrew and nut P. See Fig.
P, Thé Séféw and .Nut of the double armed Pin, isTaffenedto the^jre
end W the moreablenaóuld-board aSa hf % e 4tng»««?ned. ; ,
Q} . A round flat-headed ;Bolt, with whiebthe curved/rpp,
fattened to the mouldi-board.
.V.' R , An Iron pin, ddvèninto a f^iórtife»ié
vent the bolt from getting loofe.
; -'S^ An Iron Bolt, behind- the fixed; mouldrboard X,. witfy^hfph the two
upper mould-boards areffaftened together with a feathered hey. ,
X, T , Two Chains, with which the bplts R apd S.are. fc,uiigr jto the
beam. '.ttcjsffl ?nfa’ la fen- -.j>nqn
V, • ■ The-moveable Mould-board, at the rightfide of the,plough, is te^ree
feet fouf inches long, eight inches broad, und
thick at its tad end.
U, : • The .Ground-refti is twO'feet fixr inches and an half long^ tsyo inches
and an half broad, and half-an inch tEick-
W , -Thei under .Mouldibpard, jg| fattened, to^lpyfli^^an^ rhpp4Je* jj§
T&pri The upper fixed ,Mopld-board,; ia th$ee;|Ee$t fix i4cj^es|ti^'pnd eigbt
inches broad at the tail; end, xprojefting ten inches frpm the beam, where i t j |
one inch and three-quarters-thick -
- ;yyi Y, vThe-Mattdles, fiounfe^elevenincfies long, andthsee imhes lqharè
at their under ends, gradually diminishing. txnyards the# poner ends, where
theyareoneinchanda quarter diameter.
u Z, An Iron Hook, to which .thq ^héel '£#rjagp'.isf^oqnffitfd, 'wit^' a
flrong chain fattened to the middle ibf;. the ajcje-trqef of the p^iagè wheels.
| S J | G U, R J E . J ^ f l J , !
A , "Th eBe am.
B, " The Sheat.' “
; ThéPrèh Bolt;
F, Thé flat ifpn Bfafie.
* G, A flat Iron Brace fivetted to thé fliare.:;
H, The Coulter.
I, A round Iron Brace fattened to the beam and the coulter.
K, The Bridle of Tugg-iron.
M, The Plough-fhare.
TJ, The"Gróund-reft; ‘
X, The upper fixed Mould-board,
Y ‘, The Handle o f * the 'Plough;
Zj . The Ring and Hook of the Bridle.
l i i
a, A moveable Mould-board, Which ferves td throw off any cafual
mould that may fall into the near fide of the drain: at one end of this
"Mould-boar,& there is an iron pfete let in eveii with the furface of the board,
and fattefejiefeto widlflat headed wood-ferewsf the fort end of the plate
is-bent or doubled fo.as t ^ k e a flat,hpok^ which occafionally Hides up and
down th^ferpendiculariron biice F , and ferves to guide md fteady the fore
j t ;is let to’the height required; the tail end
is fattened with* a wooden pin or trundle through the Mouldrboard fend Iheat.
See a, h, Fig. i , 2, anff 3^
’ b, An Iron Hooi of Hate, fiafferied to'tHe Mbveabte mould-board,
rit F I G ;H R JB III.
The moveable*Mould-board, 1 with its wooden trundle? a* and fiat iron hook
b, .rattened to the leftifide" of the: plough.
*jiThis; vie^yiofi. the; Mouldrb^aijd j?fltakppi^oin its upper edge, in order to
flieW the flat-iron hook and the, wio^deii.trundle:fafteped thereto. • !
f I G l l R \ <
A view of the iron directing plafb in'wfcldh* there is a long mortife of
agptture forthe, d o uW ^m ^ ip in 6 / to* Aide up and down in, when the
moyeable mouM-bfiard v is*fet rfofir fine degree to the other;T
This, Plough, was worked’in a|pfectl'Of grOUnd belonging to **— Pearce,
Efq; at ip irf pref<§iit?e of the- 'Committee of Agriculture,
Mar $ 3 of pjyyo.;, !
The Plough was'drawn by fix hefifes, tWo a-breafl, and made two parallel
drains, one o f them tfiree hundrfed'and forty, «he othef* three hundred and
twenty feet; m all fix hundred • an3 Txxty fefet' long, ferentem-inches deep,
■ fiye inches,wtde'at top,f ;afid two ittiflies afid an half at bottom. ! The Hough
went fix times througmrhe trencRfestO'bfiftg them tofthe depth before-
mentipned, and performed it id1 thii^-|pur';.mmutesyi.,and!;twelye;feconds.
The length1 or file tuFn at' eaeffi'end was about twenty yards, and is included
'in, tljfe tipie ‘'dDOvd-mentionfed. • *
The COifiifiktee was of 'Opinion that Mr. Makini was delerving o f a bounty
"of fiftyguiheakfor theirivention of'-his Drain Plough, • |
kT0 whiefi refolutibh;-the Socie'tiy.'agreed ^r»i:|, i;, tyy/?. ,,