ï y means of four' Ægijlerîtrs of -fix irichwradiüS,; fixed fob- the
inner ends o f the Sails. See Plate 2, Fig. 2.
" g} • ; A Rim,1 nine1feet fix inches diameter, one foot ferôâd, and- ten inehef.
tlfick. . . , .
: ]5 1, 1, 1, Four Arms, fifed0 a^dbft the head 6f the Windffiaft, to wKSch
the kim h is fixed with ftfüfig' fràÀbdltsé '
.nr, m, &c. The . eight Arms of thé Sails, eighteen feet fix infches long t
their extreme breadth is one" fbbfi and thicknefs nine, gradually diminilhing^to
their outer ends, .where they aBèfthréé mchbs diameter': : thé inner-^éïlds ‘b f tlicf
Arms are mortifed into the head b f tÜé‘ Wiiidfilaft ; tfeeÿ aré alfe ùotehed aftd
fixed» to the Rim. k ’ with iron- bolfôV ‘
11« n, as n, - The four Cardinal Sails, thirteen 'feét' long, eight feet broad- at
their outer ends, and three feet at' their inner ends':' diefe Sails ate: hung to the
Arms with flfôhg Kooks and eyes* .driven tltè
the Arms, f 5
jp y d ,p, o, The foiir afllfiant Sails ;'&ériHiné^imenfibhs Cardihal
Sails, .and fixed, to thé Arms in the. fame manner, and' aduated ^Tliediiife3^
by which they are joined to thé Cardinal Sails. ‘ ’
p, The Line that joins' the Sàiis tdgéthëf. '
P L A T E II. F I G. 2. §
-A -P erfeiB h jè'& èp& 'tf tbé F^mt -#f tbe Mi l l -Sa i l s .
A, Ay The principal Polls,
Ê, The Column.
F, F, The Rails, that fecure the fipper qid ^ ^hei Coliimn..'}
f G, G, ' -Thé firft andTécpnd Floors.
i H, Ode of the >Arms of thé BraiyTtrees. ;
I, One. of the Bray-trees.
K» .Onéof^hèïSerêws.^hat'ih|)port thefc^>^dffif>the Bf^y-itre^s»^
• L, One ofthe Bridge-trees. ■ , ,
M, M, M, ./ The Mill-ftones, |
. N, Ónte of ihe Spindles* on whi.chAhe upper Stones are feed*
0 , Thé Trundle* fixed on the upper end of the Spindle 'N.-
T, The Carriage-rail, that fupports the upper fpindle of the perpendicular
Shaft R. . - I tsd<*( ,
d* The vertical Crown-wheel, fiked. on the^Windlhaft. . ' , • .
g, The Lipe ahd Weight, that prefs the fails to the '.wind byi drawing <taè
®liding-bölt againii the point of the iron Rod h,
h, - The iron Rod, on which, the Cardinal Arms,are fixed. |
1 ; iff? iyi, - a The, Cardinal Arms* i
k* The Rim, to whichthe Arms bf thfe Sails are fixed.
ife,^m, ^c. -- % The Arms-df the Saih» = L . , :
2 n, n, n, n, . , The