t 11 3
C H A R V.
ftefcripm of Mr* PetSrs’s P LOUGH, with a circular fiotJLTEfec
F I G. t *
A , ry^HE Beam, four feet'tiiSe'*inches long fidm tie four part of
J . the' Cathead to theThoqldeq of ^feGenpnsj', four inches broad
at the back end, three, infcfe'at'the Cat-head^ and^thiee in^es'thick.
B, ®ht;0 atnhe^d, whQft ffujiys-i^pne-^pt .apd lav^qphes, • and its portion
elevldj inches; in the fide of the Git-head erg five lfq|es, for railing or
,1 'eprefling the Bridle, as need1 requires. H
KjG , TIre/iBridle, .fir Tug-ftamc,' one half long
ffioni its cef|tG^Bfe®| by which , it isjfefo^eUeidr to; the Bearn: its 'breadth is one foot
and dt|||inch and'feven ejghtjis'qf an|ihclfc^ckrd 't^efqre patrof tljis Frame is di-
Mefod info eigfifcnotches, by whiph me^Piough" is 'dt^wn, ppre tp or from land
fiit diforetibn.
D, * 'Phe-SheatJ'fafteiied tdlhe Beam'Wt^aji^hgferiqn, one foof ,fotir ihches
Wnd,;a quarter. tdift ant froip th e le fti^ ^ ^ ; its'length ifbW fqbt ffirfie inches from
ItliL bottom ofilthe ground-reft to tjie ftjotflder mfhs tenon^ teji jwh|s broad at
She- bdttom’, andtfftf inches at thefihoulder of its ‘tefionj ^ncr one-^Kfr dnd a 'guarter|
E, left Handle, five'^et aqd {me'j^eh IqngfdtlT^fnch^ brdad at
IHlbbottom*, tiyo ^inches and a fialMhiek where,fthe' Beam i|^KnoneQ^Ho ^ ft, 1 and
&om theftee 'to its Upper OnS ’it gradually fhnuiulhes tbyiBC* inch' ano^a quarter
diamfter : this'Handle /ffom [me tGrbund-rgft to the upper edge Of the Bfeam)
Jprms ap' ?pgle with tlfe horizon $f^ tmrfy-^ven, degrees, i&ud'1 npnj flue 'Beam Mxf
the back rad rt makes' aTCpM j|tfrveJ to make" i t , ^ ^ c ( ? i i \ h d h d i f
C F F- I Tvgb angular nitres ot Wood- fixed, i,d.Ha^i(|leJan3tTq rthe
“jjlheat,' tire othdr Jq^tWHapdle anefito th£J'^ p ^ . ire^^"^H\effgthen, the Pldugh,
and prevent the 'earth.from foiling" info'rWtrefiqK ftbrn the land-^ddd
b Notd, only one raPtne angular pfteces’ts^f^min tfi^ view^ *
G, The Ground-reft, three ftfeif^btir inches and a Italt lqug^pue kicfi arid
half broad, and ,thfe‘e quartets of afi d|i|'hc chick ; the pointed
yvith fteel, four inches in' length £ at; which diftance rs wplded , ^ fteel curved
• H, The Share, or Fin, welded tc» the' fide of the Ground-reft, five inches-
and a. half diftant from its fbje point; the length of the Fin from i to 2 is feven
inches, its breadth from x to 3 three.'inches and a half, and the diftance from
-■ 53* to 4 r|’rfio^if ihches ahd a half.
I, The curved Coulter, ten inches and a half long, two inches and a half
.broad at the bottom, and three eighths of an inch thick on its back edge.
K, | The