ixh G O N T E' N T
B O 0 K IV.
M 'A B U F 1 A>;W M T ru.
Comprehending Defitiptionsand Explanations aydj
Models, in Manufekures, as- are^j-eJenM
G -H A P. I.
Defcription o£ Mr. Unwin’s ftocking-frame, , * . / ,, ^ Pagf~ 93
C H A P. ILr "‘ ;
Defcription and explanation.of£Mr. Almond’ s loom,' - 99
~C H A P. HIDefcription
and explanation, .of an ItaH^filk|reeJ,; procured b^,a worthy'
member of the ffoetety,- . ' IQ4
C H A P. IV.
Defcription and explanation of the Italian lilk reel; to which is adcfeu, ‘-Mr.
Verrier’s inethod oflaying\the filkpb%uelp thereon,', ' 107
B O O K hJJyi j
M A* N "U .. F A "G T J U § B . ' M H i
S $ h D'dfcriptions if^iSe 'MaeMMs^and Models ^M ^ V cid lV s TlepojSfay gT H<uw-
$ rititpejl ^elMkdiedvp
& H A P. I.
Short defcription of Mr. Samuel Hayward’s new invented comb pot, for:
combing wool, ' - " , • •111 ■
C H A P. II.
Short defcription of Mr. JohnWebb’s fpinning-wheel, ;7 113
-r ;.C '.I i A P. ■' III.
Shorft defcription of Mr. Perren’s fpinning-wheel, ■ ' I1 4
G H A P.
0 O N T E N T S.
c C H A. P. i y .
Short defcription of Mr. Thomas Perren’s longfhed fpinning wheel, Page 114
'h a p . 1 v .
Short account of My||@6rge Buckley’s Aachirie for fpinning fix threads at the
fame time, by one perfon, _ . . . - . * . 116
H y A f P . VI.
§h.oTt delcpSKon pf Mr. Harris’s fpinning wheel. - *j ibid
C H A P . , n VIJ.
Sh<3rt ^3df|rlgtioh h f .Mr* Thomas Perron’s machine for- fpinning, doubling,
and twilling,' - 1 ^ ^ 117
, * c ^ h W p . a -: v i i i . ■
Short defcription of-Mr.^Williarfi Crager’s machine for winding a'nd doubling
, woollen, lirfen, pi ''cottorwarn, . x x g
P* !C) j l |
ySKort defetiptian’ of Mr. Jer’emiah Burfew/sLmachine for winding, doubling,
, and twitting, woollen and cotton yarn, ' - tJg
G H A P. X . . •
Short defcription of Mr. Garrat’s machine for fpinning, doubling, and twiftpfiiig,’
linenyiwdqllen^ 8g£c@§#<3d£> " ■>' '---nod' li «nijl/* 7 >■ -> ’
*PST. H B P.1 XI,
|ShPrt?j|te^ition of |lfr.;Wifh¥m 'C^fraris mantling for doubling and twifting
yarn, &c, - . - , ! « ibid
ShfRt^fcription ofithe Reyi:p[r.'Pulleri’sijiff^£^eip''’'' : : ' t i l
; j r a .
Sho|® de^fcBon <^£ at filk(1 reel prefented to^hp Society by John Pownal,
I m um \%%
H A P . ^ X IV .
Short defcription of Mr. Whyman’s fhocking-frame, « I2^
1 B O O K