t m j
C H A a XI. ;
4 Ww&ÿ* é h r y & iw i ï t LU $r? i e c it
m T B H I M H M fck:i;®bä;iincfe arid tk iHalf.do% ô«è fetütch
H B I ®a*® «®*èéô<&sodf äfaurftdirbrmdjiaHcL'thrieg fixtebät{fi ç£'an
Ürider end beinj flatted to receive % m which the
^gtetsii Tafisbtoy-feiia Cfefe-sös'. ü
1 i . M B * ^ r ^ t i i t s i d j s W , "hm iâ -fo i&
T® 3 K ' * * fotwebs^iönerffldll a«d| Cttfe fctWEtbiiigl^: ^'ttdir^ee idghths r£ an
*8£n TOtl. ; te «o.tj îübnu stfj t'Ksd * bas eo-hni' •'- . > • '
- ^■ 'ThgpÛeWîi th^ï «kttane‘-Ä i^ iä 8fai»eetigidi8 of aft:; imti*: -three
r I B B i B B 0115 fixteentft o f ^ a i f f lB B F T f o f e , only ode ,of the
Taliesin fcen in this view*
I D’ I M B , 0r Sw^whed? ode iftfch fi^è M M B one fixteenth
I g g a g p i i | i l I Z B k made Qf Äeel wirb ' and
. pouhJp ffie or the'otfiCTs. -, '
B ^e^tiïtmg-piêeéi hîie‘1] ^ r ü e iâ ' éf5'wiîBh'‘fâifè^ te^ürffbfër F agaxnit,
the;g g | | | | g i bv'whmh the (CaîcipH Ä ^ f r S fä " Wheel' K> the
, o iK ^ t h «taa lncHrbroad} ML upper !Âfrn fhf'tWefiïhJ o#aiî j p f eM
tufnifflg^^i.Styd jn tfce.brajfs ßate H
, ■ ■ ■ ■ I W M B B B externe Bfli1 Bi IBIffrlBr I BBBI BBi I1H23H1 fÄ,#;is>¥wacte^*dâtfhT Mhso£iüäh
££} ï o â k ï ? aa ° S i W o W ip %ed #
eighth oF an iftdfi; fromhfsjhnfr efhd :''ïts3u t e | ^ ^hd
m O m B S E jjfë .ggÆ.ofÇentre Wljeeb K : at the o E r M M
Tumbler is £xej , a; V 1f JP«n|ïth| ^ d e r ^ / ^ ^ b ^ p i h l^ a i n f t âW in '
Æe brafs-Blate B, at tfie^me 1®igmpï\fya;& fdW M h ^ F t f t è W o u t -S Â
Ferves to Facilitai’t^e return qf
, G, ‘fËeCounterpoiîi: «^xfre^è'iengtfr i^ ^ n B H I
breadt^oee eighth^apd one twdffL oF an tfifc if
I B Â fiud attenter1 end„Txbd H ^^ kté.fôWiAntrJeh!^is routed
oft from l e n d e r fcdgc.'t Seê-another'fiew ,9/^ t e r p ^ B . j 5®^' $ FW
H, The Câ^^ofthe,CentrB-#heêl: 5? FéfS'M/'f'hi^éiê'^ùd as'lhe
Counterpoife G, i i ' under H Q B [ ^ B 1 Wall..in contât with’ the end of
the Counterpoife. See'Plate 9, Fjg. 8,
1 1 . B 8 Catdl’ f^ t f&irf turning,'backward, while'.
H i H g U g B i l I B I l t l l S % d .m jh # brafs.Hate
«îîa^pin fixeci inethe/aid Hat«. T