I ** 3
bolts the beds;3wfith their trunks, ftaves, &c. are fixed in fuch a mariner as to
make the drills of a, greater or lefs diftance from each other.
- Q} Two> Iron Springboks, fattened to the upper rails of the plough-
frame imfueh-a manner.thatlthe too,th or pin hntjhe middle, of the bolts may
frfee^’emer^lnta ^ne noles iff^tne iron- 'rods C, C; their ufe is, to regulate the
c^furfojw8|£( See.Q, Fig. i. andl^late 2, Fig. 4, 5.
j P L AT/^%, II. F I G U R E II.
. ,A,&eqmftrbqal n^ofjthe|PijC^tr s a .
• A AjA> Tnre.fe C|ar gi^gp. Wheels, two^ ^eet three inches diameter; the
■ irin axis ?of, the two hind Wheels is two feet two inches long, and ope, inch
fgp^re. |H
B, A Conic, Pulley,)(Tyith angular, grooves,_ e^ght, inches diameter, at the
hafg, pnd, four, inches, and ap, fiajf _attitjS,yei£ex.l , ,
1 G, G, Two, fl^dangbeds,, pr Tables ,f yhich, run in a grpove, or chartfiel,
:cut,through .each of^th,^, trmfpm^ P.rR >, Thefe beds may|be fet clofer or
wider , properly fixed witli the.j rauind-lieaded. iron fcre.ws,
J e rk e d Jr, 2||f> 4.
ijug^.N The-UtiderfHandles,^with whichtlte plough isyljfted-up from tthe
grpu^d'.%f^ e .ejnd of ey.e^{^pu|,;,or0turii, .
q A Bridle, or Woode|fiFrame,.iwith an iron ring, to^which the cattle
are fattened. • .
P, P, The two, grpoved.Tranfomi^ or crofs^ graces,g^^ich contain,the
Hiding beds G, G.
i j j j t G H R >E ;> -III.,
p A. Plan of one of • the T ranfoms, ( with .its. groove or channel turned
uppermoft tojhew its^gr^ve.,,^
t F„ i g ; u . h | _v i y fc<t
- ;G,w t A ;Plari'Ofi orioof hh'e-fiat regtilStirig‘IiWfiiph
. ik>,#4 l G-dJ* C T y g i
A Plan of j otter of the{ Springs Bgks.T? See the explanation of Q, Q, Eig. 1.
This Plough with fevcral trfed,19n-,a gieceio,f ground:at h’r« ^ -
tcpx.: Apr,U. ro,,, J7.&L in> ^rp^e^*gfa^e>Coi^mitt^e.,oi Agriculture, who
came ,to a refolution to diyi^efthe premium pf 5 °k as follojws: to the Rev.'
MfctyiifloratfgL soh.and the Society,
agreed, May 14, i-fSM '.; •