g j 3. 3'
: §, The.Wallbvvef, or Trundle-head, two feet long, and one foot atid fi£
inches diameter, frayipg:;tMrt,?e& Trundles.
; : T , V ' The -Hopper of the Cyder-mill, four feet djatheter on its upper edge j
two rfeet 'hnd «eight '.inches at the bottom» apd two feet deep.
'H, ’ The Nut of the Mill, in the form of a conic fufee: this Nut is three
feet and :two inches long; two feet and feven inches diameter at its under end ;
.and .one foot diameter .at its upper end, its outer furface being eutfinto S r j f
"tleth from tl^|;®p#p^thefhbfetn.: ^
3'j'SVK, i TiheiShehi dr .Gafedpuvttugh libel Nut'.Eevplv&S f-fhis-ShejU-is tthre^ feet
Jiang, anditfliregl feet .and. nitie inches diameter , :.its in per furfape mgde- fit to
the £hapu'of'th‘e®}t;jH, and has^ &lf.in ajfo|kl| diregfei&n, reverfe way
ias ithe mut: itjjsfaut tJhrouglv'ihe middle, lengfhwhys.-; -A«d',bpe'part foiine&ed
the:o(iH-mth*4i«ges, ariduis made, fait tether:with’ .8 Bolt and Hook, that
it ma^|ai|ly|b^icieased .ctf die pulp, Gafe of its, cftokmg*
j '■ K, fr5Ehe iBloefc, or'Qo^tyance ;<3iS&ihach1iche Shell .<0 fijfl»J)s Ahijfc Block M
i&vij» feat ^nd’fed&sdnehe^'high^.ifive feet* and-three hfciffefr.hroad, apd- four feet
(thick:j having am aperture emits uppenfurfa.ee tiw^ feet japd. ten inches djaipeter,
gradually dirmniffiihg,^‘:l?lie' ^f^dle dHhe forb-Me Y, wfeefadf, k one foot apd
'i&fprches Heap, apd one -foot and fix inches broad ©t.-fiie upper ed|e ofifjS, orifice,
JiCsaidda: rndge‘lbei|ig Icipcular, whefe the CjysUfr arid Pdlp are dgliVer^l. irftjo.the
oval drainer Z. la
a . The. -Aperture' ipithjb fore-fidd of the -Block M-
S R , 'I'fifie TrayJi?sof oval:Tubf iev'eft^feet, and 'nine inches jlqpg £ its ,ex|rethe
breadth three dSrit tand rriaclinches, prid Jplevbn .deep: -tj|ii# Tray-fips. a„.-fiev:e'of
ftrainer over its imeffurface» three‘inches above its bottom; apd aieidep-fgpgdn
ahe- fide' ofi^ •'to-'&dnVE.y the Gyider from the Tray iotp jdie. refet vqir.C
a, The Tub, or Rrferviou\■that receives the'jCyder'frorp t%...Tray, through
«herleaden pip'd:: this Bieftryoiruis two feet and.eight(inches diameter, and’@h®
sfoiait:«nd nigMt idbhebideejk- i etal-st: : i . ‘ f
b, ' fThe CrofeiRail, 'thrit?efi-rieS- th§'under' Ipindle cKMeuaui U : thjs Rad
as. five feet dangfrinSne ip.chg&":hfoa#j indtfeyed inches' thick pf the ^center, of the
■ ^©ck X so ils'ripper ledge being fievidtled awaR .to ,-two] tefthe&^thick. fl^cept m
the center, and its?tw©-bedrih|fe in the afotefeidfBlock. See dilate III.
CL> «:, Thei>fiaiaiage'radlc^tt:hh Malt-n^H this Rail--is !twfl\{er/fget lo^: prune:
■ iriches hjTQad, apd live mifies ibitk , one (end sflfdt i? {Iffjintg» a mortife, 'in ii^e
Jkdfik A, and turirii OB. : « ;v«^toh^lfe:?:i& Tj^|^rend'^Tit tur^floof^yi in a fetor-
fife, inTthe.arm jOT rspidb'd,' iCarfi^err^J' j #fetj|ioez®ni|gl
fliaft of the Malt-mill ■ a.^is. in this Rail, fix^'inch^^rom.ytihprfr^idp id-
- d, ; The Arm, or G.pidp<i$!f't^ej^C^rrigge-r^il f! :0^hjs Armas t.^?' feet j, and
eight inches Jspg, 'fight inches btoad,, add five inches thick i having a mortife
■ in its andler ond, jbneifpOjb and frifihes Jopg, .apd rhree;jiHclaes>firoad, through
which the £ore-e«d ^ ifhe Rail-c fgfps orfalls,&$f>>lift da?
iofits-iwork, as •peed^rt^ukes. See TiiATE.IJiioFigdf•’
" o, pqilfh? Tever, Jiy.rj^liiohhtfhe fore ©ad tqf jthb C^n'iage}rail ^ .{ f sthp Malt-
fenllj,. -is lifted out: iof t.he :tee^rdk til?l!&o^-l^c9-whepj'Hii|iihis deyfejs jjgg||
f c t fii;.-inches longj .foPiE .inihesi broad, and. fhree' inphqs thipk j the [jbaGk cpd