. P L A
A Plan, Jbemng the. upper S j j S I e, E i v, and K erb.
Y, The Kerb. See the delcription, Fig.. t. _ .«ob
z -■ The wholp divigpu? ior;^ with wainscot covers,
ope fourth pf an inch thl^,; > jpeev^nt the foot from being thrown out. : , L
; ... to.which the Fly Z,
is4*ed. L
A Plan xf tk^overjff.the K b jib, the B in ,, and itsi F ra^ eIi
' b; The Cover of the Kerb, two feet and an inch fqu.are,: and ^ l f .an “ich,
thjcL haying a hde *n the middle of fc, eight ;nche?j| d j^ % J7.thro,ugh which
pie com naffes fro» the bin and hopper, to ti|e Hones.
*!$ *> ' T S Frame*'"oh whichrthe bin
iaches Jong, ;cme Jpot and, bre^d, anf qight ipebe» high, having a crofs
Rail in the paid^Xe.«pjf•.if^r ift ^ju^,|[ie. ^ffbfVppc1,
ftone turns: ; i t , i$ p n . th e i .Cqw b. with fyoc^-few^H.. .• s
d, TheTlnVop^ atjt-s upperTurface, and three
inches lquare ht Its under end, and is nine inches deep, refting on the outer end
of the Frame v
- This MOlwastried Ibeftire^he Committee of Mechanics, '-wlwp were of opinion
that Mr. Lixryd was htelemng a boiujty, of Fifty Pounds, ppd Twenty Guinea?
for fis expences ^hnj»{^hlhe'‘JSdpJ^^ ,he left the Mill
ank kones befdhghg thereto vhth ’ the Society^ to - agreed,
March ?5> iybi. 8ee;the Account odf it, 3 ooh- VIII. Chap. IV. of the firft
Volume .of this work.
C H A P .