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■ I d, T h e Yarn-beam, w ith .its flafc-lhaws, ra tch e t-w h e el, ’ trig g er, <md
win ch to tu rn u p th e Web ora. th e yam-beam,
: «j. ': TÈw mpp®f Hal, at the teek of the -loom. . »
f, The Iron Spindle of the Y ana-beam, with its Winch, with whichithe
yarn is wound ®pon the beam ©r roifer.:
Loomwas. in v en ted b y M r, o f G r e a t in i f e i -
cerihire, a h d % him produced to th e Society, wh o appointed th e Coimmktcc
o f Manufadtures to examine all its P a rts ■* anff. Mpjrethents ; ® i c h ?w 'éM m in
u te ly exiïhfned, explained and werke&.Bif tfie-feyentjor,- i J ^ e f e j j c e |o f th e
faid G o m m i t t i ^ p d Jpyeral Ikilful Manufacturers, w h o w ere fu lly convinced o f
its u tility ; it rims 'ëhefófore th é opinion \ o f d a s ' -Qpmfeaittee, th a t Mr,
Aukcf&pfs L oom fs an ingenioüs -an d ufefuT In v e n tio n , • ad<f1 §?ërving o f 'She
Encouragement o f th e Soerety,
. Refolded to recommend to the Society,to give Mr. A ih r a n -a Bounty of
fifty Guineas for his ne^inyeated-L'oom,_he les^fig the fame' with/thpEo-
ciety for the-Ufe of' the Public :*-to which Refolution jof therfSommittee khe
Society agreed January- 9 , 1 7 71V V
. G H a ;p ,:c ■ h i ,
A Defeription and Explanation o f an I T A L I A N-RE 'procurect'ff a TrprtEy
Member •§ƒ_ the Society.
Fid. T. A perfpéïïipe SÊ ’^ ,
H E Stand, or Fram^ bf,the Reel,
B, B, &c. . The Bearing-bars, p r Rails, ©f'tihe-Reeli,'«fech
two feet long,, one inch and feyen eighths of an -inch broad, and one fiich
and a quartet "thick, bevéfiedxm each o f their upper fides-t-0 an acute angle,
leaving"their upper or ffè ö flg edges finooth and round, about thethicknefs
of i crow-quill. Thefe Rafis are'one-foot eight inched and an half diitant
fj-pm éafh. Qthpri","
‘ü; C fC , C, TheArrris o f the Reel, am fixed at right angles to their
axis» and each of them ten inches and-feven eighths of an 'inch long^’ftfte
Inch tod an half broad, and one inch and a quarter thick. Thefe Arms are
inferted into-D, thé axis of the Reel, and fafibned thereto with wooden
wedges. Twb of the Arnri;, with their bearing-haf, aré '•»dóvé-tafied together,
and are taken-out occafionéHy, when the ffik is to be taken off the