F> F » Three Brackets, fix inches long” exclufive öfiihe'ir'tè&üïïsjj- -fheir
extreme Breadth is five inches, and an inch and/,a half /hick ^having a mjrtife irr
the upper end of each of them an inch and on® fourth deep, and half an inch
broad, to receive the fpindles of the Shaft G.
G, The horizontal hard wooden Axis, On which the Winch is fixed : this
^Axisjs thp® feet five inches long, and half an inch diameter, and turns -in the
three Brackets F.
H, H, Two Wheels, feven inches and three fourths diameter, and fevën-eighths'
thick, having eight teeth on their periphery.
1) Two Barrels, fix , inches long, and twp inches diameter, haying- twelve
rafehet-teeth, agaiifih>fiich the ftopt are lifted) when ^n)r ofithe threads break :
on one end of thefe Barrels the Wheels H are fixed; if has. a grcwe~infide,$Êè -
Whftdr j^r a fiand» »which counts ft to the perpp tuakfefew; the onpofite ends
to that/ oft frhifcb^the wlèels i l arts fixed,’ are ;Mrol i^ g -M h e s , - .
againft the ftuds, on the inner furface of thepit^K, bywhich ^barrels and
wheels are carried round, till the. flops bear agajpft the;, outer teethStfie 'barfel,
in which cafe) the fpring-catch fnaps over'the teeth of th^ nut^ and gives afignal
of a thread’s breaking. v ?
- & j|| The Nuts ; thefe Nuta are four inches diameter at one 'end, v^hicli"
are turned, and hollowed, to admit tlfe Iprlng-Patches to'-tum round Vithintlem;
the other end is an inch and a half diameter, and'is "fixed on the Axis-G.'
L> L> &t- Four upnght Pofts, framed in § "ti| bed of the, Machine: kfe/i
outer Pofts are four inches and a half diftant from the ends of the bed s - the jn
ner Pofts oneTfoot and half an inch diftant 'ftom i t : thefe Pofts receive the pivots
of the ipindles of the bobbins. ^ / <
M, M, ■ Two Pinions, one inefiand five eighths diameter, and an inch thick
each having fifteen leave*: thefe Pinions are fixed on the fpipdlcs of the bobbins’
and are aduated by the Wheels H.
N N, The Bobbins, put finger-tight op the fpindles/ for' the yarn to be
wound pa.: thefe Bobbins are fix inches W . and an inch diameter,, exee^-theft
reet, which are two inches diameter. r
, °J ° ’ TW° Screws> aöuated by the Barrels I by means of two
bands: thefe Screws are five inches and a half long, and an 'inch M half
' ^ Wohn“wIiecl*> three inches and a.halfdiameter,,and one fourth
©t an inch, thick; having forty-four teeth: thefe Wheels are actuated by the
Worms, or perpetual Screws Q, O, 3
. j É S | . Two oval pieces óf Wood, half an inch thick and' one inch and p
haft long in the oval, fixed on the fpindle of the Worm-wheel to guide die yarn
on the bobbin. Sefe Fig. 3. < ,■ J • ' 3
•,fl, R, The Guide-rods: thefe Rods are four inches and a half .long, • two
inches broad at theft under ends, and half an inch at theft upper ends, hiving a
pae or stud an «ach, which, bears againft the edgt of the Oval pieces C^Q^gSee.
S, S, 85c. Twelve Rails, fix inches long, two inches and a half broad, and
j § half
half an inch thick/ fixed on the bed in angular divifions, their back ëiids tending
- to the,'-Barrels I. p(§ee Plate 2', Fig. 4. and 5. ^
* T, T ,‘«:c.'-'4 Twdlve Levers, ten inches long, tod pile fourth of aii inch
.fquare, turning on a center-pin, fix inches from their outer ends, ferewed into
the fides of' f^pRails S : there'is a ,wite hook in the outer end of each Rail and
Wever for >tfte tRrèads to pafs through, td direct it to the wire on the Guide-ftick ;
||nd, wfijafpithei; of tife threads break,, the outer end of that LeVer drops and raifeé
$Ae wire ^ftogJatK l inner erid againft the ratchet* teeth Of the Barrel I. • See
i m
, TT, ‘'“ ‘ “'A' Iraïrd, Tiet fëvfefl• ittelies long, fix inches broad, and three
eighth, of an inch thicK^fixed'ibn‘'rrhe upper edges nf the RailsiSï':i,i‘
W, A Rail, two feet feVen ^inches .long, half aft dnth broad, and three
eighths1 tfïtèfe, -with its upper ndaroUiided ? this Rail is eteded on, Jhe Board tJ,
fiwfffebbs afidve'itS ftppërfiufeóë/ having two wire loops1 to guide the threads to
tbiPbolihins. ‘*p
1 X/ X, «è.1 ' ’ J ÉKvèfi;Ribii two feet five inchés long, three inches broad, and
three fourths of to ‘'inch thick, fnave-tailed into the Bed E, and Brace Y, at
ietpiar mfta'flces.
b '.Y,--' The Brace, three feet and half toiftCn löflgj èxëlufive of its tetifiüs j
fix l^ g g i broad, and three fourths of an inch thick : this Brace is framed, into
„the grouMaSjdfenwith their Upper edgea.; !
. a, ;ai te . sB Swifts, ton which the Ikains of pifii &ie‘pbt, to. bè .Wpiind
oiFi tHefe Swrfts confift of a nut, whofe extreme diameter is three inches, and
two &an|££&d a half long, turning on fofitdles three eighths of an inch diameter
rilë mfffl^e rif thé Ribs X : each nut has fix arms oöP-fiöot long.
, 0 Cu: A leadcxi Weight,- about three ounces hanging in a bow-firing
•(bn^tfie groovt' part fif each nut," to prevent the" Swifts from over-ftiaating the
F' I G. 2. '
Si G,' Parril^mhe Axis. ^
I, l|-Tnl Barrel and Spring-catch.
K, The hollow Nut, in which the Ipfmgrcatch turns.
F I G. 3.
I . O, „The Worm.
• F, ' ®The Worifirwheel. *
r Q, Thb oval Diredor.
, R, The Guide-ftick.