[ 7 ° y
A fa^iption of'yi,r. P A R A Ï U S-/d prevent thé ill EffeBs
of Mercury in W^atér-^lding.
•&(... n p H Ë Fire-place in the Wall, as in thp çdrafifon .method;
X B, Part ô flh e ’Chimney-, as in the common* way.
C, An iron Funnel, -Or Trunk, one foot fix inches long, one foot three
inches broad, and four inches deep, baying a joint, or return, the fame breadth
and-uejith, and. ortç foot long limits upper end, which is fixed iri^an aperture, in
‘the chimney*
» D,:. : The lunder. part >of the Funnel,., the bottom .edges of which are twja feet
kjthree inches by one foot fix inches : the upper edges of it are the fize.'of the under
end o f the Funnel C, to wbich:it is jÿtottèd.
b/iîEv ' A round 'iron F®nmd or Pipe, fixed inthe'Funnel D, and its ppper
end to thedraught-hofe-efitheBeliows F,
I Fj A pair ,-ef common; BesSons*. with -its ppe fixed in , the dhimndQptg
tinder board retting on the upper end of the Funnel JR.
J'-Gi Aptecoof Wood, toheiend afwbtch as’ fixed i a i ^ t h e
other end is fixed a pulley. aj
: H, gj A Line,*one end,of which is fattened to the upper handle of-the',Bellows ;
/the other end defcending over the "pulley, is fattened to the Stirrup I.
1 I, The Stirrup, which being putfon the foot, the Bellows is forked, which
draws theTymesfropi the fire-place, and conveys them into the chimney.
The Committee of Chepuftry hadpne of thefe Apparatufes1 made, jagcnWlmg tn
jMr. HUTs principles, and’ fixed ' up at Mr. YlatzS, a Water-gttdër,. and "niaide
^rial.<^k i2j ^7^4, JMr. fla t * gilded Jeveral pieces pf watch-work, in
{tjieÿrefençe of thç Gompfittee, with the Machine in the fituatipn^deferibed', and
Safin feyendpie^, the Machine beirfg removed. Mr. Ptatz, being niked, whether
fie had ever ieen a Machine of this kind, and for thispurpofe ?'‘"fofwçred, he had
toot. Being alkcd, whether Jie found jn wprkifig any difference when the maphi-
*iery, invented by A&-. s psCfflfe-.^fiot f^ fo e r ed , he;|pflhd h,greah dîffference
when it was put up,- particularly in not perceiving the.fwèçt fmell from die
,bynes of the mercury, from jvhich, the^ workmen thjhk the mffchief.tq thçm arifes.
Whether he is jjnclîne'4 .to ule this machinery as a ,means of preierving his health" in
his work ? anlweredj he 'Ihould always ufe it. "
| Re/bl^d, the.aiç of theyoom, during the. trials mad,e.by Mr. Platz9 was fenfibly
better .when the .machinery was ufed,, than when it was not.
Rëfolyéa jné contrivance and the Machine, being iimple and cheap, are likely fo
the workers hj. Water-gilding, particularly in the final! ypay,
ReTolved it is the opinion of. the Committee, that the Candidate' is intitled
to Twenty Guineas, being the premium offered; to which the Society agreed,
April 8, 1774..
C H A P .