“ If land is properly prepared, and drilled, it Will'*,be feeded witfofhalf a
bufhel in an,acre lefs than incite .common hill eokhtry way:.,yBy' its being
let down upon fucli a firm bottoBa, itjftrike^fa ftwpgef foot* and its lying
low in the ground makes no great {Hew in the winter; but in the fpring it
recovers,. j j s 8 \ w » b a r y © f t j y a t t d i is. -better
preferred from the birds at the. time of lowing-. I always make ufe of it as
a drag to prepare the.land, and find it to. ahfwer better than‘any I’eyery tried
before; ■
. “ This manner of preparing the land feme time before it is fowedf, oflen
fets thofe weeds a''gfowing'foiwhieh “it isvriaofi: when tbdfo Weeds
are up, the drilling and harrbwitag, Wheri thfe 'wheat’ is fbWbd, will certaiyly
defbb^/them, and ha a great ineafure pref&ve the WKots crop'/
■ ««Ifou-r horfes e^^#kWthis iriftrument/hift iinStifual to’aSfvpuOT,. 'askrhey
fcan draw ft'fovelf flhyeft‘'tfcfeslfti a day.’*' W
C H A P. 4 1 . :
A ' vvf Mr. -JoHfrf'WfiSnSr '©Aki^s10® G A R I F '! 6 A T O R,
] • .preferred'- 'tQjhe Ssehty, • April5 b'jK'i *
f j 'H E earriageswheehof tlftsmftrament-is-two-feet eight1 inches diameter^
and two fetches;broad on its periphery ifeS"a-xis or-fpindlk turris-te^tWb
Aiding pieces o£WGpd, fitted to the • - th g ll^ I^
fesye: to fet the wheel Higher or fewdrf by Wbicb mearis-tfej ribnltef# eftto*
deeper or {hallowen into theground at will.
The. rdacluhe confifts: of two-parts; rft, The'-wb^l tilid -eafriagb^afok
2d, The beam with; its xpuitecsy &p; ‘ The* whbiW joined’i tdgether RisP'e'igbt
feet obe inch long ?; its fore port• contains the; edMage^dfeel1 fiked %W two
Aidefepdth befiteefoenticmed^-itSibae-fe part eofttains the- bdairi,'1 wlthT®»* fide
piecesjs. & c in which are fesedf five coulters^ fo-'plhced- 'as to forte- arikilgle- of
feyenty-five: decrees; the four foremOfo eoulters-dre'fixed ftWO ^-breafi^ cOft1-
Wgiftgoas they approach itoWar* §Mg eUtib
P°*nt M the tail ,end of- the beam, - and in a ftraight line wit#%fi&
Wheels,&li^it fi-omithe foreMtoft-eoiftert, -rifteTeijeft' ir^S’es-;
the coulters thus'fixedj cut parallel gafties in'the ( ground two ihdhdsthfee
quarters difiant from each other, and by means of the Aiders and wedges
^fbrementi'orredy jpizty-. few fot tomby Id&ptfe re^niteid; from ofte-thfitil ifteSes :
the handles of this inftrument are faftlgh&b-fb the Sil&ybf^t!^
beam is four feet ten inches long,, and three inches fquare: on each fide of
Ï f t I
the beam there is firmly fattened à thick piece, bf. wood, .wherein there arë
four mortifes pierced for the four foréiriôft coulters, which ’àfé fattened thereto.
with wooden wedges : the beam extends , nineteen inches from tlie fore
ends of thefe fide pieces^1 and is fattened to the carriage-frame with two crofs
bars : this frame confifts of two fquare {hafts .and three crofs bars ; the fore-
moft bar is fourteen inches long5; four inches broad, and one inch and a quarter
thick : this bar is môrteAdd ifito^he fore ends .of the two ttiafts, leaving-
fqfficient room for the rarrrage-WffeSfto mpve freely in the interval between1
(thçs head of the bfeai®, and the faid bar j-fn tfie middle of ft there is à hole for
an iron link pjd-hook, to which the*c^tle>arefattened: the two other bars
are^fdurtefen knehibls lôngjv-three inched broad,’ and One inch thick : thefe bars
pafs through, .the fore 'ppds .of the be^m, and the-back end* of the fhaft-s of
the carriage fi'amlf- by which the fore arid back parts of the'ïnftfUteent Are
Cqnne6te<jlj and properly, fitted fo r the purpofe intended*
; C H
‘^tJhafYjpefertption qf a .H A N D -D R I L L ^Lf or* " § ee^{ir (™Ymted by
jofflsr A t f f t r& p i , ^ la y 4, 1,760:.
r p H IS Drill ^Unjade of .a forked, ftem or pole, .whole profigs dt arms are
J. •fl,atted»t arid properly Ihap'ed,. to eompfghend. a..wheel,, fixed'fa ,a Jvpoden
&xls, ^hlcK W Ap^ .^wo tound nfles>4n the^ends of, the faidl.arms, caph (S’
which is fixteeh mchesriong, .thfoe inches, and an,half b^o^h and one inch and
anIfikh thfek. The ftem, ot pol^ from its point, jok extremity, to the
flioulder of itS arms, lAtorfee feejt-five .inches fongj ..and thre'e inches, and (an
half in^fiaiqeteri, ^he" ttejn is Ai^ or fawed^througi from end to end, and
diyfifelf ^fptoTw^feuhl' parts, _ t fot ffiei-ci^^ehience
fift^'thV carmge-wheel, with’ its'axis,; &fc. . arM fattened together again with
ftiur wooden pegs, and a wooden, trundle, which 1 paffes^through the cud of.
fhe^fteriai anti tt^-ves as la handle to-Woi^E: the drill with.
The wheel is one foot ifi diameter, ; and two inches and ari half broad .on
^ ‘periphery. ‘ ’th e axis* is two feet Jixanche-S'long^any one■ inch and a quarter'fquare
in the middle, • and round from the infides of the arms to its extreme
ends ; 6ri each- of which is fixed a fmall keg, or barrel,, eight inches
frin'g, arid fix in diameter) pierced with holes of different fizes, according to
the fort of grain or feed' to be fown ; and fuch holes as are not in immediate
ufe,'are flopped With, corks: Thefe barrels, being fixed to the axis, turn with
theJ:ckrriage-whecl," and drop their contents in ranks on the ground, which
Contents 'ate covered as the drill' gries tin with a rake or barrow, properly