r iH ]
, S'G;^ . ;^ v ; ;
A Jhorf Defcription of 'Mr. James Ferot^ nU'^ Cl;R A ‘N E.,
T ^ H I S Grane ‘faffes fmall weight^ at ' lpâsdüÿ- as common- Granesy and
greater height's with a proportionable-' dimmtitibfr cfelefitf*<> itViJl *a|fo
have a power fuited to extraordirtary'grëkl'weigh]ts/ ^diiGhtit^#ll'Taife without
any .danger to the perfons’wfo'Hrork it. In tliiS'model the wfncV-is^'ecfM
to the diameter,' or double fâdiùs df that'part^df^th’d'greal axis' dn’which the
rope is1 ï-W'bunHÿikrd< ïherèïbre in this cale the power' of; thé axis in' coiling
theVope,- is'equal to doubléïth&pPweWppîied'by'the dpWato^to‘th#Win<*ÏK
There' are ' three trundles which tàke: int'd rfchi%)g&gf -tiè greatwheilra^fdr
giving the axis three difFereffi^oWfefs " tKdteéorfdheifig daübfêk'hé firft, and
the third doublé the ‘fécond, under the®ihc^,fekMeT*pu'}lëÿf béfo$Ê* thé’ long arni*,
or ’gib,f!Vhieh, being ufed with- either-oB thef4 raridl€s/1?dodbles -The* powers
thereof, but it fcèeds.ônly td be ufed when .thé G^rie^is !hfed‘|fcSif-an‘ extradé
dm ary-great weight?.-- A more particular-. accôUnt-ofYhis Crane may bè feeii
in the Philofdphical\Tranfaétidhs, VoL'xlv. p a g é^ A t
„*-The pommittee refolded, thgt; this^carijdjjdate was worthy, q£,a”bqunty of
_Fifty,'Popnds ; to whiçhthe ^ociptwagreed^
G ’H " A P........ x y i : ';
A Jhort Account D O O R , L* C|iC K, ’ by M r ‘ Mo'O-RE,
Lock is made in .the ufualmanner with.^ards; and a ttumbler, "to
which the inventor has made fome ufeful improvements^namely, tWo
pin hoppers, on fpritfgs, within the Lock.. - ^The feings^ping^reffed .down
by the. key^as on an inclined plane) mak^ rpopToj/tiiq kgy;. to -pafe the bj|lt,
a.nd when the bolt is pafletkby, tihe two ftoppersrife and. .prevent anyrpplhhR-
lifi^ df opening^tj without the kgy^bjlojiging.tJheijejo.-r? -
The,. Committee was of opinion that'a bounty o f twenty pounds be given
to Mr. Moore; to,which the Society agreed, March
C H A P .
L m u i
.10 :H A*!;P;A NVÏÖ
A Jêxfon tf^ u i'M oéU '^ ia sF Ö U R W H E E L "C A I R L A G E ,
| -by - Mr. T h o m a s G o T T® i& iiA ^R Ghigwell, E f l e X . \ v -
f T ' HI S Gaii riagc Jus 'J|fhort pii.cc«of ^oojd^ mortifed opfeach fidé óf the
• under* cariSaj^SF' tï^ytcfce wheels*; --tHfe IpiSöeS'hre made .of fuph a lèngtïf,
as'-tb’ prevent the fellies of the wheels from bearing or rubbing againft the
.perch, when'thé Cdrfiag^tüfcns ; fbyithi^(türeanS.thE tecking of thé fore wheels
is ipffeSUally Ip’rékdöted; ’*aftd /cêtó’e<|tf®aléy msfap'ï^m^fepts,' which, feer
iquehtly*- happen: b y -o v ë ftjaffting When :t)hè jfdré wheelndödcs' under thé
-..'The Committee Yas of opinion that this iagenadas comteivanoemasde-
ferving a-bounty-0f',Twënty/Guitife^s''3; W Which* tfce.-#sciéty agniéd,.. .Nov.- tgt
R S I \ ■
' ;G ■ H 1 A’ ' P. • ' XVftl; *
A Jkttrt ^deaiimh o f a Madelo oJLm FD/UR Wf H EE L . C A B- R I A QSt,
Cot “
HIS" GSf.ria,ge'.is.. fo d'onftrufte d to. i gccii e FirlV, The g re a t c 1L p a r to f th e
load on the hind wlmelsi . Secondly, The application of the flfif^will
ptddfeht the fliaMng^ of -the thill -hnfife,
prevent his bdmg thrown down,, or hurt, ip cafe tlie Gamag^flro ib'epWfef-
.turned. . Thirdly, The tuirning will' fee greatly facilitated, -by' means of the
ftidfion whcgl^ under tne?|bed_ of’ thy jKai^iager,. ^qurthly^'As tliei
Wheel!- turn under tne‘',yfkgg°ih,': in |he,*pgbu3fe cr^nejmck’ c^riof, t±^J
can never leek, “am.li come(juoHtl| will be lets liallAto ov^tuirn’ the ca^--.
^ The Committee refolved to recomm'end to the Society a bounty of thirty
guineas to Meflrs. Cranefield and Co. to which the Society agreed, May 20^'
B b b C H A P.