I röo 3 '
férent wa|ffl, and in fucha manner, a.s at alt times-ffowly and %mduhly:«è
.«nferge-Éfec aperture fertile Mfae o f water proporteansMe t©tte heigte ürlMfesf
thé head ofwater; bythis m ep sa juftuaifarm mötianis obtained, and the
impetus of thé water dn the floats .of the wheel is greatiy regulated; tbfe
whole machine works, truer, and is Ms liable to wear and be out of ©rder.
The manner of drawing, the flood-gate, &c. is as felWs,. >(i&z.y at-one ënd
of the main fhaft of the water wheel is an endlefs ferew, that turns a f e w
wheel on a long fiiaft; at the end of which t e g fhaft is alfe an endlefs fcrew,
which gives motion to another ifkew wheel, Whofe axisférves as a fmall roHdt
tp wind up a rope and communicates with a grooved bat, on whofe axis is a
pinion which works a rack, that is fattened to, and moves with the flood-
paeans of the aforefaid rope wound round the barrel and roller.
Here follows the candidate’s other method of drawing the flood-gates,
&c. .
This is done by a buoy, or a float* with a-perpendicular rod, which com-
mumcatCs with a lever, whole fhort radius gradually raifqsthe 'fedd-gate- a%
The head of wafer, ènè the float finks under the Tohg ra d iu T # th e \V e r ,
This flood-gate (like that with the endlefs Ycrew) has a. rack.fatten^'tovthe
' jflS l *? “ ’ É É rack.ls a<auateY hy the fegment of wood,
with teeth on its periphery, and well fattened 'to the end oFtb'efhort radius
of theTever. ’ ?
The flood-gate is raifed more or | H | need red re s , by moving tho float
with the perpendicular rod, nearer or farther from the fulcrum M the lever •
for which purpofe there are holes ?t proper dittances, both in the lever and
rod. The inventor of this machine has, alfo'con&fecT a ^ u & Y o o i
gate, which admits of twelve feet- hea.d of water fo thevMill, .fh'en f e t s
W xÈ Ê M t °Wn aCCÖrd t0 preV?nt rfle fljSm Overflowing the country..
The-Committee was of opinion to récoihmend tó tj^e S l y i o Y u r c h a f e
the model, at a price not exceeding twenty pounds, to which the s 2 y
agreed, May 12, 1762. 1 ^ y
C ?H A P. x .
AJhort Account o f two W IN D M i l T-d ■ r 7 ,
T & < £ £ £ £ I * “ • ««*•
^ * * IB f e o f forty-five degrees, and „ conftraaed* *m ubch *on* t*h*e f«e aw* pfreintWcipl'e».
P f - m f i
as common. wind-mills ; the wind fhaft carries, a crown, wheel which .gives
motion to a .trundle head,. fixed to the perpendicular fhaft ; at the under end
of this fhaft is .fixed a crown wheel, which turns two trundle heads,.: fixed to
the.fhaffesaQfiA&,smfeer ^heels,aieaehtihaft carries-two, water wheels. \«
The fecond machine confifts o f only one water wheel, which is alfo worked
by fehe. wjud.'4 wi;tih the,failsjfqf an eqilatj^adth fpom end to end. This water
iwheel tarries twGij^-f()ur,fJ^op lac^eynWjjdch revolve in a trough, and rn<-
clu^e^a f e u y ififith^pary of,yhe wheel; t^e’ fiHgspagd hottom^iLthis trough are
fix^d jto»;the ,ladlesyjastjJpfl to^lef, them pafs .without touching the bottqrp
ofiifi'dqs ^^the-?fpd t-EpUgh^.by whi.ch,means ^qdaii{e£ anfwer nearly, the
fame sj^itp.ofej a^,the. fddefg>; bupfet^, iq.'ni.o'deljthe -firfti
?pThei fcQQmjmed, .andatfougL^Be tqfa. 1 angerpfralp thameither .of the
^mffidels abaye-m©t^r^4 in ©|der -t-A jplew ^ byt,a&l®llexperiments the utility
qf .the fgur'fco^^wheefe^injth.e'-ftrft.vpiodel..,.
C H A P .
A ' Jh'oft ^Account' 'of l l i*s* . * jSJMtb't.if 1'ïsf.D M I L L .
rjp H 4£$<3bihmittee.fevangf examined Öiê twtP?Wind Mills pf§^l^M'mjednjf
fe|p^^^^klfo^Öfeiè&^É%rremiuiii fij^KhPafStlc/^ffey \<cVffidf\
that, yhel modeli .made" byTMtt3jfeTdp®rMi^3ils|«nad1w ^ l ‘ad,y8ht/i^e^Vie'r " ï e
l^ ls in common'ufe|,'ras'<iitCvföfK)IÜïföul‘ phhhètf^ööePofl'tlfefgrcflinld^flobrjfcfl
ifsieapid^1' rooffbeing an open ftaMiepl^ïye feéq |MlPgèlfo?t®e%md|^ which in
conujapu mil€ is)febfhm^bed.Ji':TlieylthièfefoA;'*ieê?3óiftiendèd* w^lé'StiSSéty'tó
gj.ye Mr. iNiioh'alls^thef wholé>pre'mium3Sf^fift^póuhdfi,"ffö?
ap-eedi, April' 23}
a f . -i -- jin .141
Account N D MlI L 'li;
R i CiHARtB.; L eY-^ t^ £ -Middlefek.’ 'i
F p H I S.Mdhisrm^de. With^ou^poiiits, or fails-,Jpf one uniform^breadth; the
furfatp op%>fed tn^gggmd^is a liftle copeave^ The; length, of its,radius
(in its full magnitude) is thirt‘y-©e TeeFfix inches; the length of the ifeils1
t 1. A a a , thirty