I nTi
Z, p The irdn Brate,;that is: fete wed to thé Cpnib pfid Bracket.
ap-<:>:.*Tfcl.Etó%xa!'Atei^:bjr whtèh tbc,Sliding-board b is brought forward
^Ipfd pulhed back.
b> , The Qlrdin^fbhard.' :
§S}HM rrLThe fidst iöf ths Trough,
d, The Fe^è^bóarrd' -V.
coiicchtmc Rim..
Twp ofithe|Mn^lj0afds, to direft the ctitrftraw inlodhsi Sieve. -See
Hate i.
h, -The Sievdf\1S
m, m, , The^two^hind Legs.
i p, j^^forMLegï fixed to-the’ right fide, of^ the Troughs t
q, .TEeTor^Jeg, atf,the left fide of the Trough,
.I The fide Rails.. ^
*r, The fide Roard, dr Btacé,
'This Machine \|as s f f i -tfcforeSafce of thé joint G®mtftittSéi<^ï4 gricüi|gre «|nd
Mechanics, when a t-rufs 'of ffratj^jvVeighifig ’thlrty-foUr pounds, was! Cut by dais
Machine-in forty-^vén Minitel'iand three fourths, yielding, four bezels and a
peckof chaffl
Thg Committé| W^è ta^ Opinion, § that Afrjjngefitat was deferving jhp prerfiijjm
offered, being Twenty Pounds,? to)twhfeh the jjtocfe$y agreed, 74. \
C H A V. '*
A- 'iDefcriptic^of Mr> Bt.Aii’c.i* A-aVs D R I X L - P L O U G H.
V i. A T T 1. P I 'G.1 1 :
A, A, f | 'H E hind-Wheels, one fqot nine inches diameter. :■ their ;&on
J. "One' inch hM safe’foufthJhfi®ad> aad fourtHitf
an inch thick ^ te^^of-ihe; Wheels *#e :&e ;in(?te- lbagj a n d i n c h e s
diameter, having Sa 'S^i'Jfei,i^l;<t)n‘eaoh-’fid%.
B, - The iron *Axis, whofe~extreme 'length is three feet tfottr fth e s aal a
teuf, &»d feveh ejghths^jfftah inch Iquare: «h«&l$Beeh. are driven tight onOtfce
ends of. this Axis, .and'faftetted thereto with,(crews and puts oif their'-outfidfes, -and
iron pins on their ihfides : -.the middle, of the -Axis, is made round, about a foot in
length, which part ferve.s as-fpindles for-it t'o. revplve hn.
C, _ A wooden. Roller, ' two inches and ahdlf fonglihiid two infches .S'iimdber,
with- an MSfe fofrel qn-each'eftisi, and three'fourths-'4s£ an 'inch 'broad S ’this Roller
is ®xe£ ‘tight 'oh :the iron Astis-B.
D, • A piece of Wood, two feet long, four inches and one fourth broad, and
’twb inchel thick,^ flailed.' to the fide and bottom of Ae-;fefeff<»©Ir, :<dir Seed-bbx.
See Plate 2, Pig.-'2.]y’
- 2 1 1 I I E, Afromer