-! 1, i *4 ] .
• ' X,i A ’Crank-, Vhpfë fadjittS} ^•KtJj.fee-f^UFfihs pfof, 'an inch/; Ttljis fprank
gives motion to t\\cl\c rods, poIiHicr-,, è^o. as >hcfoi e-mentioned. * Thejprank
türtf»;in<>ij^'wfj^tBiU#soRf, arid fchoióthpnfe.'a flat<pi€^efof.;}^ fe I^ I«®-Qae(j[
td the' fl<K3r,_)aoiij:ïotohe3of th6,arans£(^f\$%ög%jj|f]p'aes kj-,
■ X An Iron Rodi'Jfeyfe® jiongj^an^^&wpptwelfths sof
an inch thick, with a Jhdlein the mic$§yte|-p^'j-fife- tpfjq^iygfthajingp. .pin in. the
fpbérical cap W:; coné? eiiddoficthis-i-Rod is C_qpjae£ted[jttj l^je-j^rank which
gives motion to the fphfericad#ap,'the,gt^her. pnd^gal^gs.atijrqimg]^ajaw.or|npttch
in a brafs pillar ,(not 'in this’ in•-1 he^am-^-naannerjas, jthe JRfod I, Kaf[]C
pillar R. c
ftflSffOirJïpn Rods*. qaqyyfp^igeh^s 'j^d'3&qBsfriteiRd0Jfto^d*two-
i twelfths ofd an inch'thick;t ^the, forëremds^o/ thgfa Rojis f(&:,ejiaftened Jfoj Ishe
poUfhers with fcrew’s and nuts ; and their other’ etid|, fp^tSe crink X, -Whofe
,recipfop&l motion ^(as' before-mentioned) t^orl^s rt^dyen,rodsf and pohlhers,
more or ïefs, , according to the&e*'öïvthe jjïafè
i ISfi? Bv Two,Only* qf the -faidtifpd^r^ -i;eprefqrijnd in view,pf 'thetma-
- chine,.. ■
Pillars, ^ ch mfr^ fefe extreme 'Jeögth iijjfour
inches and three quarters, and eigmitwelfths of an inch diameterfatïth^)afe.
3Th§fO;pillars, &pf©rft^ebed, or table, Cr;on yyhiqhjjhe'glafsjis„placed fc©£be
b; b, The notched Sides* of rqhe,jBed,(j ^ , )Table. ar>ejithrge«qua;rl;frs.óf^ an
inch, broad^ and pne -Jw^q^fourthpo^.^m^mch^thiek.. . Them aS^Mfelve
notches, tëut dpwn,parallel „to each~(^|rer^n«,tdi&^^dng-^ftfa.th&1iBe,d,- fqrjthe di-
reétion- of the rods Z^Zjf&c.
ió Pi. rl The Bed,-on which, the .glafe-isj laid to,^'g©lj|hedmits/iimën^ons
rjatti, {^ q : :i^hep£®d; one^eightfef long,»jfeijf• in * ^ ^ ^ 9»dl,,/q^>^%lf an,.inch
thick. hi
■ ■ d,‘ d, The Polilhers, clothed; a.nd fattened with dkews “to thé «ank
0 we,ir . As-Plajte ,©ffRial's;;,, ■
’ P L A T E " l l . " F 1' C. h
m P M 'V 6 fJ'jtie M A ’ C H I N E.
A, ~,The main Sliaftj whofe dimenfions are fet forth in the[ defection
-• B^iF» gTte.hoijzctoak^^wte'el'.
i iGj r■ hi ‘The Gdlla? Bfeam.i >:;
; D, The Collar Staves.
E ,f|p% ê