X C O N T É N T B.
C H A» P. IV.
Short'iefcriptiöti £>f J t : Dé. Chateau yêaux’é Éè^Mi ettjfei^atór for loofeiat%
the earth, and deftroying weeds in the alleys, between the drills, ' i4 71
C H A P. ; v .
Short defcriptiott of Mr. Charles Lloyd’s cyder-mill, taken from a model made
. . to a fcale of .one. inch to a foot, - ’ - „ ^ ’’ "
C H A / fR / VL
Short deféripfeioii o f Mr. Lloyd’s cyder-prefs, taken from au model made to. a
' ^o^inehês to afodtj 5 t tjfë *f* ,yia^v7'3
■ c ,R . YU.
Short deffcnption pf an apparatus, or temporary covering, for. flacks oft corn,
hay, wood, &c. taken'from a model1 made tó a#q3ëJ<o f ; two inehés'-toh
■ foot ^ prefontedtO the Society by Richard iibtël Ldgewbilh, Efq.1 ' 74
Short deferiptio» of the Rev^Mr^Gamfbc«»Tigh5k4 rilLplough,- - .7,5
C H A P. IX.
Short defcription of-Mr. Willey’s ‘drill plough'ivitfconc wheelj *70
lJ C H ‘ £A ‘ P. •• .Xl ■
Short defcriptiott of Mr. Beftfend‘s driD^ taken frórif a model made tb; a 'föalh
. ’ i^ ptt^in^-and hn haff ta aJfbOt^ '* t $ ^ w \ 9 ^ ‘Tn5BBa?c', -77
C. H A P. XI.
Short defeription-of Mr. John 'Winn fidker & ffiarificatb®, presented to the
Society April 7, 1767, V "" ’ - ' iJ ^ 78
Shprt* defiariptio^ .of an hapd-^rill fete- garden f^ds,^invented by .J^n^kr-
feuthnot, Efq. and préfënted to the Society, May 4, 4 ^0^ ^\Vj-:W ^79
C M A ^ P y Xlftl.
Short defeription of ,a model of a machine for drawing up trees by the; roots4
’ prefepted to the Society by Rodolph Valtra^ers, • Êiq. -1 80
O N T E N„ T Si xi
B- O ' O K III.
C H A P. I.
Lift o f the noblemen and gentlemen who for their eminent fervices have
■ ’'teen prefented'with the Society’s gold medal, < - Page 81
C H. A P. } II.
Lift of the authors who have obtained honorary premiums for treatifes on
the cultuiu’ of w heat-, Lailey. lueerqe, 'turqqps, ,&c. ‘ ’ fV ibid
. G H A, P. J IL .
Honorary premiums for fowin^acorh^^l-kv^'o.-1 , _ 82
-----------■------------- for pEntin^Scbrch' nrs, ’ - j, 83
— •—— ---' ------- -rut■ pfantingmHMtufe,£)!'. nOi-h.-ru,;^:. f I rtn mKfM .Jbid
M i H 1(lA IV.
Honorary and.pecunia.ry premiums given foft. planting Madder, .84
'^ 'G M •. A p. Sttyjgm
Premiums and bountms-for raifing'hemp,' ^ „ 87
p : i i p. '|g L >
H(^orary ,and ^cum|J-'^premium^ivehftor e<ivating burnet, ' | 88
Premium's given for c^titati'ng Jtacerne, .
------------ - given'foiC emfej%^n^taEK)&,, ft" ' , - " 1 » [ -
-vavv:'.' cahhage* ib.
■— - given iQif Cultivating p(,graff, ' - ibid
/ .Pv ,f l £& P. i{ Vdf.
Ptgnriums fc r ftockg n f beo^, t . . . , ^
■ ^f^%y pi^iiums given >fo^oefs^of bees, 9>ulSij " r
hou^^® ldr- bees wax, . B i _ ^ J J w ’ g?