■ Ml
*>f it Is founded off ’taper tö fötïft a handle: -Ifoisufafteneci -againft iheufide of the
Rail N; with a ftrong fcrew Bojf,^ on1 which it fufosU’.fo
f • - TKfe- ’ Lifting-rod, % Which nhe Lever e is Corineded’to'the Rail’ [c:
this Rod is mortifed thijpugbr thelforefond 'of thd Lever e; fofréTüot four -inches
and a hëlf from' thê#Étfor ‘-axis ’-sni which 'it forfo Mthe i lower <&idjföf the Rod
gaffes thföügh -a; moröfê 'ifo'tliie'fote -end- 'öfith^Garriage-r’ailjfonè foot and two
-iridhes - Behind? tlfé -Guide- arm d, a'nd isjaftened to.the Lever .and Rail with irpn
bolts, otigbfjz- - - ’ ,l1
- Sigpi Theikonzbntat Shaft- of-tho Malt-mill-':- - thil^ 'Shaft i’fofffie’ feet an^ffive
"ihcfois~lori|C ^rfecn- inches diameter, where'the'Crown-wheel K is-fixed on it:
'it ■ turns'dn two iron »fp'i£&6‘s(^|-’;
- 1 m Arwérticai Gtown-wheel, fixed-i'bn the .-horizontal* Shaft'rig,< one.foo.t.-and
-eight--infches from the inner end : this Wheel isittwo-feet .diameter, and has twenty-
three cóg'gs-, and is'türnèdfoy the Wheel H, as’ before mentioned.
i,<>- A iveïticaT Crownwheel,- two-feet and three* inched <.diameter, haying
thirty-fix'Ócfggs-: this Wheefoisifixed on foe 7<M^^d^df-ithc^haftg, and gives
motion to a Waliower? ^ight inohes^hd dianaeter, wit{rten Trundles, and
the Mill-ftone fixed' on.'an'fronfliaft:- -i
ji .p.i-j 1: -The: Mill-ftpnesy' twó fe^qight'-inEhés.'diaméter.'. «S^e^i^ïT-EoILjii','
. ^lj 1}-1, ij' '?-&bë-Hurft-pdfts} (five feetfandfomeanoheg-d<^,^fix^cbeshbroad,
-and five inches, thick : thefe Pofts are mortifed’ into two groiii|dfe^ fourrfeet. and
two inches long, four-broad'and three-thick, 'Note, the:fil|s* are pixed ||^he
'floor with fcfow -bolts.' - - ’ -- --
: m, m m, m, - - The four under- Rails, .framed: infoófre -.Purft-poftsfaf thefe
Rails^afe five inches 'broad,' and four- inches -thick.''
n, n, The Bray-trees, framed into the Hurft-poftsfour: feet .and; cightfoehes
j above* the grbuadfels •: - they.' are-a |fopt’broad; andh fonrfiWcte^iiick.i 11
■ - o,- o, o, The top -Rails ’ of the Hurfl, framed' intafoe Softs redgewayss
they are fix inches broad, and five inches thxdkT one which: the Hurftkplank is
fixed: : ; - : ï _r- -- :: ; -•
p,- p, p, p, Pour Pofts, ené foot- arid fix 'iflchesdqhg, and three inehè fqüare:
thefe Pofts :‘are- mortifed into the Hurft-plankf to fnpporj: fod%,dderio| foe Tfopper;;
« • "
qj ’ - TWo1 Rails, two'foêt-and-'fix inches long,'-five?jflcj^i.andralhalf broad,
andr three inches- thick, mórtifed-on-the upper aids oft foeV; P<® s: p,ip,:.p;*pl
f; - rThé? Frame,-or -Ladder that fupports the ; Hopper : j thisvFfame,.fionfifts
i of two fide-rails, ‘ bearing on the- Rails q q*- three itiehes ftquareprrand.’ two i crofs-
rails, three -inches fqüare.-
r a p t Thé inches' fipgfe. at
the'bótföiü,' and a foot'diéps 71 '
t, ; Thë'-Bfid^é-itféëy::twbfo^fMd''-t%éê'iribhès lörigj'ie-Xchji^p qfrJfs)t|pOris•
-'this Bridgë-tree is'four inches fqüare flits' tëriöhS'paflïhg through a mo'rtife iheach
of thé Bray-trees n, % ’at -theiflceMer^v'rellbi^ wjMfönJïl*7
,-ïijljrl; Crofs-rail of the fame ditndfifièris1: ?tlii ‘tlifdér^itidli s0f >'tlfè ^é^eridicular
fhaft refts on the middle and upper furface of this Bridge-tree : the Tenor, or
Tong, that pafiês through the loofer mortife of tlie inner Bray-tree, and is fixe