I 64 2
K, The Centre-wheel, is three inches and one eighth diameter, having
fixty teeth : this Wheel .is rivetted on the back end of the Arbor O.
L, The Barrel and Rafcehet, .bh r&hidK thé gut of fide óf the weight is
|£*S[- O jj[ oh Vfctlw^if the.'‘fidé-toftBè; Centef^wheéf, its fore
end bearing againft the tooth of the Barrel-ratchet.
N, The Spring that prpffeg the Catch.M fgajnft, the Ratchet.
O, The Arbor of the Centre-wheel, onv.wfapfi .®e Barrel L turns, and
oft" thé 6m endobftwhich ithe Minute-hand is hxöd.,x;:See>:Pktel 3|"Kg5
B,)P, P, : ThejPiHarsjawith which the fore and back Plates are framed together^
rÏ SeeTlatei'},; Fig. :3V
q, The frame Plates of the Clock; fix inches aqdi,threÓ JfbBrths;: higfrj
five inches and one eighth broad, suid one eighth, of an inch thtok. ,
. R, . The. ironLFrame,:to raiiè the pendulum its .height from tfiejjuppgj
edge of the Plates is feven inches and a half; the under ends of the.Frame are
fcicWed tol the tipper parts add, inner fides of the Plates, :to fupport the crutch
arid fiendulunno .
I F I r Gw 2.
S, A" brafr Nut, five eighths an inch diameter, havifig twelve teeth :
thistiNut is.rivetted pn:the fore end ofthe Barrel L'f it is connected to, the Wheel
T, by whichrheweight is wound up.;i
7 T u T h e . wind-up Wheel, two inches and one fourth7 diameter,' Having
forty-eight teeth ; its fore pivot, turns in the brafs Plate Q, and the back pivot
in the Cock U. - t,7 f , 7 . , f < ,, v
' jg The brafs Cock, jhat fuppörts the back pivot of. the wincUup Wheel.
W» A brafs Spring, - fixed on the back of the Cock U, its tore end. bearing
againft the end of thé pivot of the Wheel T.
vi,.. A Spring, fixed againft the, inner fide of the fore Plate its under
end bearing agünft the Aiaulder of the Swing-wheel’s Arbor, to prevent ft from
yifitofingv ,
c Tfie fides "of the 1brafs Cock, that fupport one end pf the Hammer’s
Arbor ; it is ferewed againft the upper end and tore fide of the fpre Plate, is bent
flat on dié ripper part half an inch broad, then turned down perpendicular, to
rreeivé the pivöt'öf the Hammer Arbor in a curved'thórtife,
; 4 ,: ■ The curved Mortif«,. in which the ooéer pivot of the Hammer Arbor
rifes, and fallsAwfien the Rack 0 is lifted. .
h, T -The Tine7 or - Gut. wound on tfie Barrel L, to carry the weight
L, Tfie,Barrel.^ SeeT[ig.-i,'and'.^. ^
j, ; Tfie kack. See'Plate 2, Tig. 4;
P L A T E II. FIG. 3.
• i!A], The Crutch: See Plate i,';T%. *•
B, The brafs Plate, to whiefi the Pallets* &c. are fixed. See Plate 1, Fig. I -
G, Part