j m J
. A S cre l/ aiid. Nüéj withwhich thé axis is fafieüéd tö thé nave,'
• 'F u i;^-fe>u r ë m . |
• ATftewïyfSihè A A i^vo ith its. Index, ScCi : I cxj '■ 'T f
ifj 0 , ThejAxïs,,,, or ^Screw-Rod.
v, Hj The Brafs l ^ s 0*-„
i;u The ^cr^^jwijh-jjirhich thé axis is fafténed tö the nave' A.
j^T h is Perambulator^ a s }t-rje;d ;in th,e King’s private .road, near JPimKcoi iri
jprefei^ee-gf.jt-lip, ^ 0£njmktpetqf mechanics, who, was^opinion; that it is cheap,
Ample,', more .portable and commodious -in its -ufes^ and. accurate ihsits operations,
than the .common Perambulator*. Q,,
f'\ *Thé Coifimit-têe recommended tfye fdver medal of. the Society to be given
k p , f9T hisjmgepuity, Jindlaying thé fame open
tp.the,public.; to. which;^,e'S,oci'^ty agreed A p r i l 1767;;,^
... G IH A ,, X IX ./,;
4 DefcripfioA ana Explanation gFf Mr. CpRlsTogUER«Save RL anti’s M A-
! G H d N E for levelling Land \ takenjrom -a Model-made to a Scale f one, Inch
'' io a '£$%&*.r-
Fig:. ii TrieiS'oj ,we,^ Machine*
A , t I HE^Hill,.,or .Shaft^ of the Carriage,, are eight £e,et two inches!
X long.-
B, B, The forp.^rriage*'Wheels,r are three feet diameter.
t , The Axle-tree of-the fdre Carriage, is three feet eight inches Jong*
fene foot, and, jOiie .inc&jbrQad, aiii fiyerin^M tWqin / f
D, andBed-pf theMgCarriage, is threefeetfeveninches
lopg, feven inches broad, and five inches thick : fafiened together with two
iron holts* ‘and an iron fway-ibar* .
\ Ej. _ The Sway-bar Frame.? r,
F, A curved Pole, liveTeet two inches long, eieht inches broad/and fix
inches apd an half thick, at its inner end, which is halved mid doweiled to
the fofe tails G, Y*