C r « J ]
.. s,*. n The Rack;-armr or Weight, -v^a^hjgires-motion tö the R a ck e d Hommer
: this Arm, or Weight, is fixed 0% the fame; Arbor, as vthe Rack the inner
end ojf it-is brals, its pnter end leadjriveted tojthe brafs of aTufficient^veigntj; to
aöuate the. Rack and Hammer. ( .
-1> A Spring, fixed tb the Rack-arm, one fourth of an inch-from the. centre
of its axis-;r.at the .other end of-the fpring is, riyetted, a; Stud, which, pafling loofèly
fhrough a hole in the brafs part of the Arm, ^fcfs againft the edge of the. Snail. <.
P U T E III. F I G . 5.'
A , ' * The'Crutch, wh'ölè' axis turns in the Cocks X} X.
B, The brafs Plate at the bottom of "the Crutch, to which the Pallets are fim!,'
'£>,> The Swihg-wheel.
K, ? t The Centre.-wheel.<. >
L, " The Barrel and Ratchet-. See Plate 1, Fig. 1.
•>' F> F> F> . The Pillars-of the Clock-frame. -
Q, The Plates.
R, The iron Frame, that fupports the Crutch arid Pendulum.
. S, The Pinion, by5 which the Weight is wound up. See Plate r^ag. 2,
£ The wind-up ^Whë^. S^e Pl^tp 1, Fig. ^2/ ,
U, The Cock, that fupports the Jpf of' the .wuacföup Wheel.
X, X, The Cocks, that-Iuppórts the^xi^of theCmtch,'and toyphicirtlie Pendulum
is fqlpended: thefe Cocks .are twojirièhês and three‘Tourt£s’long, and
twelfths of an inch, tluck.
Y, The brafs Plate, at the hind fide o f the-Cr^fchy^l'ö which "the Stud-if
nxe"d that”gives motion to the Pendulum.
'•V®*: •• V-. ^ Sfl“ ï»rr.t*,a^ Pa^ °g through^ a AorÉifè in the^brafi Elate Y,,is fixed
on’ the bottom of the Crutch, to reoay| the Screw b. JÉg|l||p
7 --Si ^ The Cock, that fiipports'the Tore end of the HammeParbor.
d, l&iThe .Hammer-rarbor,
Shank of the Hammer, the .upper end bfvjhipli tu$i$ on,-a .iqint. •
:1ïÉe'Flg.TÊ). ""
, f, _ The Head of the Hammer.
g, The Spring óf the Hammer : its under end is,Tctewpd. tdrthe Shank
Arbor, the upper ajd of it bearing againft ,the upper part.of the'Shank,
a -lit?leaBove the joint, To^prdi it forward,, and, when die Hammer'touches the,
Bell,, gives way for^it to pafs by‘it‘ " J
h, ■ The Line,, or. Gut)l|a‘t <airies the, weight: one end.of it is fattened to
the.Pillar P, and the'other to the Barrel L.
an<^ ; |jj§ Weight -iSj-two inches and a half long,; ,
and an inch and a half diameter, Weighing one pound and ten. ouncesi
Pendulum ; its Rod is three.feet feven .inches long frojn the under
si- 1 t^ie ^''ock ^ fóThé bottom of the Bob ; feven.twelfths of an inch broad,
an^ oïlf twelfth pf an ipch thick, having a mortife through it an .inch long,-'to
rëdénfë' the Stud: in the bottom ó f the Crutch.
F I G .