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A G R I C U L T U R E;
O-M P, R E p E N P f* Np
De/êri^fidhi and È^Md^i^- frMêfvej0 Ploughs y and Implements of
Hujbandry, reprefented in the Qêpper-pldtes hef et o annexed*
CT^H^A P. j
A - Defer IptUrt ■ ó f M ï. K n o t e è s ’s Open D R A IN - P L O U G H .
Plate^L^Fig. "I. \ AperJp/flipfVièiv^ o f the Plough.
A, ^ | H E Plough-fljare, .is eleven ïïichel and an' half long from the
A point A to .the.Ihoulder o,r fore en<f*of Its IhankB.
B, The Shank of the Sha r e i t s extreme length from B to S is three feet
two inches, apd two : inches jbroad,
. .C, C,: f .The width of tfie Snare from C to C, is twelve inches and an
half; the diftance from the point A , td’fhe angular points C, C, is one foot
three.inches and an half..
D, • . The Mould-board, is a compound inclined plane, and forms an. acute
angle at sthe®oint B . (its tail end being elevated thirteen inches from the
ground-reft orlfeafe-line SW, ;
E, E, E, Three Coulters, each óf them , three met long, three inches
broad, and fhree (Marters of an inehthick on their back edges, inclining to
the horizon tmrty-fóur degrees. The firil Cotilter is inferted into the Beam,
from the fore end, thé twb.other fctoulters are
inferted int8 the curved arms, two feet nine inches (ihlide meafure) diftant
from each other.
F rft-,. The Tugg-chain, is. fattened to the dock of the axle-tree with a
drong iron ftaple, and to the beamwith a round iron-bolt.
B F id, The