H 2i 3;
W, W, The upiighfrPofts, tHafeifupport the fore end of the refervqir.
X f X, &4#Rehmd Wheels.
Y Y,t u iJtfehe'Hamdle&’o^lfieiPteu^h1. i
2,y -fT^o 'Tilundl^s/^iy which the Plough is lifted. |
a"af' The two«?acesiM ^ f^ e -T lo u g h is, drawxuii i to •
a^Phis Plough was #ied?M; Morden in dW $ May io, 1773, when the Committee
was- .ofi^pj®o'n£ithat>iitSiW.ah preferable -to the mother Ploughs for Horfe-beans, as it
dropped-the Beans ofef,moreifiegiite» tRlfoknefs ;i therefore» ijefolyed; that it was deferring
the'premium offered, f & g T^eky Pounds,, to which tbfe Society agreed
ro ‘®77&I w
1 e h r p . v i i i .
A Dtfcription of Mr. C hmA * R g g ^ B S ! P 19 ° **■ G ** \
il 2 Roads. ■
p i , a ^ ^ ^ P P f
^ A - j r | "^HE Rails ’of tile Frame,'tc>3 i^hicH1 theTlodgh ’Is faften-
1 ed ‘with Chains and Hooks: *hib Rails are" twelvef»£&t ten'
inches arid3 a 'ESI# lon^5 four‘u t a "and three foiffths* broad; ^n^ thrd^hes; and
three fourths 'fhitki u' ' ! , 7 ! . . rJ in n_'n vt-- ;
i B | § 0 -The eftd Rails of*Thel‘Fhfrie ; W W o 3 fee# t-w6 *%iehe^ and three
terrains ;fbtir iriche^and three
fourths broad, and three M M tWe, fourths thick: the fore Rhil ts mortifeJ
into the fide Rails'twd 1 M inches;d?fiaMdin‘their fore 'ends: the hind
Rail k W i f e d into tlie: fide: Rails three1 and‘ , '
tiheir Ml?t? eSffi; v> c " V , ' • . .,h „a--. _
h )r ;^wo iron Fraifc^Vfedckets, twO)feei? ahd 6ne irich lbrtg ^thdir es
b a i i l i A t < f c “ ai ^ ! *
dxh?'ls''teH1ii^heS'rdndJhalf an infch thick. _ ,^c _ ,
D> ± An iron RoHer, iW8 IBQSffilke^i^nd ^ a . t a U :
E y#1 MBS! Arms?;ofifhV draper'; are-lt w d « and eleven'inches
long, two inches broad, and half A inhh-fffi6k':‘*hefe Arms^e fattened, -on did
upper edgi^f-the-Tide Riih; with ftrffirirroli°.wood ! § § H f°“the ba^ en^
o f thefe Ariidi is'fMeked
three fourths' biroad,‘ dn* imeTfburth oTan g i thick: the under edge o f ‘ the
, Scraper bears on the horn Roller, to fcfap'e o ffU* e arth»^-gave l^& k^
t0 Dne"of the Staples, tdJ which1 thhdiorfes are -hooked,-to draw, the Plough,
f lg . G „ uppendoge of the
fide -Rails} *@ne • fdot-and’1 feveh
endsf k are three
fourths of in 'L h 'f^ -W t f f c y atd bent parallel t6Rthe.fidtf Ralls, f in c h e s im
, y OL. ii. G lengtfij
•A' : f u , word, tho’ apt to be foufid ih'tbe Diflionaf?, is, nwerthelefs, well underiMod by iB workme».