.■ j r 5' ^ ]
' A* '
K * ) w | w !M ^ I^W ? 1WlNNt>AArii<r^ MACHINE.
■ p pi L
H E* is^orippfo'o^teiF'mcllds feiig^ "arid three-eighths
BLoljin'mch dnmt tin; QpJ it agtci'fpn 1 there b jan^M^yihfoHV^aKi at
th7ef^tHe'riefi'd'fh'ere^i§^'crah]s^ ^hwe* radius i^pnlihftcli.- ^
B, B, B, B, B, The Fp^s?p1Pphe ‘11 j^ltheUtect1 By tM'dof'lMTM’es'dfr‘the1 fide'
<#ffi<£®p)hare fetteen^idc-lfe t\fei^y.riDrlf( v "of an
i^i"fliifch^th6f^Ea'n^^eT£eftcried't<^®cTOlH* Ihc'F^fflE S§ef PtiW^y^Fi^J g;
^(D-, ° ^An Iron Pinion, quarter iheaianaere£, with twelve teeth
o'h^nis? periphery wMcm^OT^^p®bim!fj* fts iron^ailytumf' in 'Mo frrarjilate^
•ifeftened to thM?dc*s^of^me^i& Sj S.
rn'D, pllAi8d’ IronfSpi*^W‘Hee]^ffiii¥eeni lfthiiei<_riddAihic<S,'’q5<T'^teT? in' 'dnmetti'-
TOth fixty'Ceelh'; ■ t-hMl|re^Effi®TOt-i riiri' if^Wee^quaftVr^.bfAnW^fehd' ithtlfiick-''
/d®s 'hv^^§ffih^f^m£inoh. ,
l^fer" s • AjWinri^^wfirae iradin, i^t\w'R^eancJ«.1 -
sf~F,';:' A“Hop{ier;0jM|)fP^entPi^w^^i^^ tu o metfes^quare (mfiSe^^fureV■* its
Ur^d&^end ‘'’is' tfflrSaHncnes half, by' fdur ||j£i ^ P® ^ ndicular
.•l^ghtgA'qm’fqot one mch,'an1®isCn"h'alf. * ,
SPEr/ ' ' fcAs*Wohd'eii lTandld,^af^ie<l fo a‘'fl^n^'^yp|n§;s txfeyjff t-H regu-
Methe difehatj|4w-cofn, By dilating ^rfconti acung'jrhe.apei im l aCt^e Bottom
^f^fcKe;KcMperP ®
^ K y - ' Arf'I^rfTdrkf,Tttfith' f:oufwprong'8Ly f t s handfe'or flianlr tears' nn the
Hfflfiflcd; iron or‘ful'crum *]gl to \\hich it E comic ctctf, and iq, iooiely! 1 rv t tted as
tdmitoVe^lteffiately'frdm^ffiK’to ’fine:" at4 the"dxtremitwf||r t'ne flianfc there is
ano'thdr’ir&i pin,- c^‘1rdrc\^wnitlrf®ve'^t®;cdnfih^1tK" lhanlt toVthei’wood^n
triftidle-Y^which Fs^piit1® iBdtiOnl^’FnPcrap'Kshiid cfaftk^Me|§*P/ F. 1 "See
1/ -'STHe*1 Fulcru'm, ’*;®T§ben'ded Iron'(wftn;a'round; hole imeach end of.it) ;
its'extreme 'lenfjth’is ,one*^r^tKMe^^ancMes’, breadth, half “an^inefr; and
fhickhfefsj'on'e^quarter’df ^a'n^dchV T M ifofi0pTOj^£ts:^?QP^the tides1df the
eafeJof the machine; to wHi’cff^t ik ccbnhe£tdd w“itirw'd round iron pins, whofe
underfunds 'pp' latt-fecL- atfd.- fSmwed to the exterfitah fidegr of the cafe.' "‘gee
Plate, r, Fig", i • acta 4/ - 1
“■‘ -’El, h- A 'W ood'en-'Roller, ^hich mfMin'Me/’t^V^hrft^df^g, g, and is
j^ffliedted to, the ridd]e*hox,Jwith’ two'fmalTchains;'*vHSidh’ferVe tofet the