C f j | ]
r ' .The*i9jJ|J^End of the fpir^l fpringji tbert-defl ^ right',angles with^thp
fbank an,d, focket,3andj-detiinto knqojjsdingiior aperture,<ir}: the uhder end of
thf jv^ingjBjdVflwIpL ^ing^andifeekM^e^kesjsv'ith the door, and by the elaftic
power of thef£p^ng^ith]3oiwn!-fa^b;'a>s> fforp'-me.ntipned;|* 1
,,;j3ch;is-ixew j?jaiyented.'doorrihinge .was examined ;by thei.Committee of Me-
^ a # cs> Mn'Delipitz was d^foi^iligj^'ajboiln^^p^^fteen
pptpds 5 '’tcp’Vphich j^^tftionr^f^Sogietyj^gtbedi Feb-'i^i, l$68. , I
nafeB-^.lTMtsR'hfirX'geuh’as fbeen a$ipKed^fp ^h^nGpmihitt^rektrt deot; of the
Society', and has «been in Gonftant^'®f^.iff‘^irfi|i'qenthe1'y!e#r/antl month above-
in§%tionedj and fully anfwersifhejpurpo/e f0EaSihi£h it ildutendfed» ;<y,
<2 -H -A'» P. ' tX-fl?*
A -Defcriptititi and Explanation Agr.,,[ Jr° H ngw-
A, B, f I ' W 0 Spiral? Springs ■ '^pfeia^ion« jan^friaftie (po^e^Sjaternnit^d
X ; by andio^izontai ileel^bH-ffw
hnC,. ..An horizontal SteeJ?5 ar,r^nnedte^r^P/^Vtfpiral ipringl, fhellhscye?
D, .D, _ nP^c^-jSjfeeb-AiftaSi?'SvJiQjht'?1p|,^rfends f i r p t o , y#horin|nfif
ends of the'^£pital<?fpi'i'ng^ Jot • pl-ates,tA$ Bd:jai#d»j their. unddr endfjfp, the
bar C.y
E, ^ Twp'chrved Iron-Supporters, ."#itBjeye‘s,|pr holes; "in their upper
ends, to refieiye the|tends bt the bar ~C.
F, F, , Two-'^lekles^tMtrBe’crei'Yfe thejbr&ces to \\ liich the body of' fehe
carriage is>j fufpended; thqfpyS'hackles bOing djepreffed by the weight of the
carriage, the fprihgs A, B, are «hereby uniformly wound round fne bar C.
G, H, ThefFtameiof the Carriage# ’to ^hich»feh!e\fpririgs and ;the dirved
.f^Sfprters are* fattened.
< 4 , d?, dlswo .Steel Arms; faftenedr,with featheted-llg|rss,! tp the enduff the
bar C, and the ff¥©kles F, F. ^
According ,tof the cbmmorl cc^faUdfion ■ the bo<8ju~is fufpended
or^ f©’&r-:fprihgs, Mddpbrf&M't 'of. eaohS@tlfer^qy,’#hich means it fre-
qderi’tly happens, from, the different pofition ot daidrigcs,* on oblique planes,
or-rftdden paffiug jo-yeri-rough. and“ un'even gnjiuSid,» t^at .one|oMother of the
fpriq^s1 are fubjedi «toiaSlJUoft thebwlmle/'i'vfdi'gh^o.fnthe'body of the carriage1;
consequently, ifj eauhjiof thbfigvftfe Jpripgs be proppjrtioned^only to a fourth