E, A Wedge-like Piece^of Wood, fattened teethe right handle, Tofgive
the mould-board a proper.pr’oj,e<ftion. *r 1 ' ; |
. V The Mould-board, is two «.feet Jour inches long^temnqhê^arulfan
half broad, and three-quarters'pf-an inch fchiqk. qThe 'back' end • of ,$lc
Mould-board'is fixed to-the right; handle,, and theJqrep|i|to the hind&ëat.
G AnTronTPl&te, two -feet four- inches) lopg,qarid. .fijrq inches and an
half broad. This Plate and the rriould-board are fattened to. the ;^ight handle,
and another P i W S fiftrté* <dimenfions - is fattened to the11'ëft' handle -slid
hind {heat O: the fore ends r©f«thofe plates -meet in, a point, J aqcf ar e , riyetteff
together behind the-fhare b&ce and Hook: the gipji^d-reft
^ïraëventeen inches long* two inches broad, and .three »eights of an inch thick;
the’’ back end is fattened to theVifht httridley arid it'rföïSWd ro^Kenrb^ttaple
iM, onthelhankof the fhare;’. See'Fig._2,‘T 1
I T T ' The Bolts afid'Wëdgês,' -vVith whiéhThF^omia-fexts'and-lhariks
of th’d'fihares arèï^WédTö tfif-hafidlés;1' '
- The Share,' isfofirféëA'Tnche^Töhj*,’ froiflTtsu{3oj'nt'’fb the iho'uïdeéi'
fix indies^atad an'quitfter brqhd/'ahd'a qhirter o f an ifith thick.
L ThfeTlffal?k%£'The;%h!ale:of lhè'Hin’dJPlóüghPiy fixte’eh ‘inches-long,
twb-and'^marter bfodd,' an’d hSff' ah ih&K thick: tSisTHahk-ik fattened to the
TêfidiafiHle5/ with ónévo f>the'&ió'ffböïts dird wedges I, I. ’ See’F lg 'i . '
M, AnTfon ^elded'td the lhank o fW d ifliaffe.‘,WSe^ftg.^2: ,
N N N, TfteSKafe Braces, are one foot11wniio'dies? lö5^T}h£‘Tt$ih
and a quarter broad* and a quarter of art inch thick?1 the Aare-hooks* are*;otte
fooriongrand threceighthTof" ari inch-diatneterTthcfcrCw"part ofThFTuna'
hook paffes through the beam, .fixteenjinebes diftant from thë^flioulder' o’fthe
tenon of the beam, incliningTo the hèrizèn ftirtyTiègfëes,
O The Shèat of The hihd Plbugn^^mndt^rf inches long, three inches
-and an half broa'^,- aKd twö inches thick; this. SheaM-sTnfèrféd'mtd the beam
ten inches from the Ihoulder of'TIhè before-mentioned tenon, inclining to'the
horizon "forty degifeeS .T° c
P, The Coulter of The hindJPlougbgis two feetmine inches long; this
CouMer jpaSeiöThföu^i thëTeamtwehï^bt^hcnS^diftafitffömthe fhouïder
ófi'thëïkam? ifcs-anglè ofTffdirïtóion'is'fèrt'y-fivê!%gffées$;:>!
, ty: i • ThFhmft'Shëat-öff fhd^’écöfti Plótëghi?Jsam The fömë^dïjliënTOtfl^S-
the. {heat of the hind plough; its diftance frbm-raë ffiBtlldef-of rÊKëitfëVï&rfrU'
fifty ttégfèës.J
- R , drhèfófe 'Shëat ö ftlre Seéond^Ptó'ugRiTls-Bf Thé fame dimëiffiètts aKd
inclination as tiié former; its diftattéëTflöm thé {fiöftldfer of thé terióqi %0 Së&m,
is three feet tWö' inches andaïtHéïfi
4o S-!'S • - The two SheatsJ ofThé' fóré-Plough, are twb Fêétöfié inch ‘ rong,
and of the fame width add ' tMcknefs^ asTHë other SHeats ; 1 thé Kihd SHëitkp
krfèrtëff tiSróügh the bèaftg 'TpjW 'feèt-'ëigM inches diftant fróm thV ffloirMer,
kiélihingy;<k> the horizon about forty dfegrëès'. 'f1 Thefe ‘Shea’tïfare fixed fok a
C 15 1
Iroper height by two iron wedges driven into thé upper fide of the beam, as
ieptefentêüon the upper fide of the Shfeats.
■ T r T , Two'Iron-"Plates, fitted to the two oppofite fides of the beam,
End rifcbrtedfoatea&fo.’other with'iron pins through the beamy! |
I Iron; Plates,o nailed to- the upper and under fide of the
fceam,: to prevent itffrom fplittiqg, -or-’gulling.
I Wj k A Gauge Wheel,^fhinetiaiches dianieter;sand.one inch and a quarter
■ hick, with aasinfön ftajilë'and wwedge to regulate the depth of the furrow, &c.
■ y Ë j P L O U G H - C A R R T A G È .
I a, ^p^he;>AxIe^frgëi,Ts~’thirteen inches^ and an half long, infide üteafurë,
■ rom have to/na-i c'j ,’fuven inphesibroad, ,and three inches and an half thick.
■ b, b, ^|T.brb. StileS, morHfe$;into the upper fide b f the axle-tree; thefe
fctiltes' are|ewp.'feeÉ loiag; thi;e®inchesiibroad, and three quartets of an.inch thick,
j c, ;i’,T ~A- flat' TOlwcUj Rail, eighteen" inchqs long, ^nve . inches « broad in the
■ niddie: and wic'mcj! aitd aniiah‘thick, with almortife at each end of it, and
Ik thinSftate-iron adrofs' its - middle furfa'ce; the .«upper ,iends,;pf the ftiles b, b,
Birojeét abqu,t two inches: abc^e ghfe|ai|,, and arp, fattened. tbqrptOj with wooden
! ■ An Iron Rod, or Bolt, two feet^feveq; inches long, and one inch in
Eiamgter ;,*-tffis Rod paffes througff a;t,hql,&,;in ’Middle of the curved rail and
pro# plate; and alfo Through)the bearn^anTl^n, ftapleM the axj%-trde.
I ■ Jë,~T®t,1ffflW’ëab*ïë Iron’ Ptere, T tt^ ^ e d 'b y Two if&fiMp3ï^'^hicH ïfêT
«iohp^hioi ed “^qm one holcjt-o thp-other, to HfiSraridcprefs the beam : this
en‘ "inches and an'half 'i^ba*ee[ inches broad, and a quarter'of
Km iriph thick ; at*^iacVend■ of the plafejt'here is -ari^perture, ‘which embraces
Rbë t^Ojftilps ^»/^). [ >^bpj^p^f>i«s^e faftened. to the Iron Plate, ftaall
■ chain,*|Érar/erve to fupport the beam, and.regulate the depth Of the furrow as
I f, ThesTugg-chain labile qnd of this chain is linked over die hind iheat
Icftttherfofeiyplou'gh, and ^hp'óthef .jst fattened' to; a^tpund ftaple driven through
I tfie, end ©f rthe axle-t-re.e.’»:
Ï . Epdl^V.1 tMrtfeefi.iuches long, one
[ inch;and anihalf;broad, '^n,dia qu^p^rq^j^jineKthick; the ,arm^of;the bridle
|p?fs Shrough.the, axleftrpe,* Md are f^pnö.d=thereto;y ritJi i%rq y;On;p^a?^ ^
h, h, Four Wooden W44-e£®ïc9r r{?Uröcl'piqc:iSm)f<WOO£l, jfoM'iin£iieg
I diainpter, and three quarters of an .inch thick ,:0j:hefe; Wafligrs are fittpd iöofély
lon'tshe ends of the axis^and feijye to Tet the^wheel^|widerI or clofcr together»
I by adding more,; or taking ofl^the Wafliers at .will...
.•1,1, , T 1wp^S)emi7Girci4^r, ior. hollow Wedges,^tgith which the iron rod
I d is fixed tq th^ b(eam,. and properly fet fto~thrQW the« plough more or lefs
I into die dand.
t , The