{'[ •
In-otie'-ofe-itfie ^pst^nttsi^i^duree' fixed i o
.«he* window j>fta isG©nd-floor>Jafcd a mafa ilefcMrf^
fp^fh-eet/.on the oppofite > the way, where #$e .^di^Qf/t-he'jiAlf)-
paratiis wiMa^ned/tQ^ipoft-jitbe nwi4mm^ij$^y^ql-kedlhimrdfm) to the
wind'o^f again, and ^ womgnlet ^ledelf-v^ith ^Ic^1
U i G ^ l ■
yfttount of Several Machine's prWttceWto 'thT-So&efypfii^ffihmfi thtV'jknven'tfks
rewarded with Bounties 9hdepuate^ir the'^i^i^^mmif^MtScMfiestiV \
i. T N the year 1762,' the ingenious Mr. James^’Eirgufom, .tpmduced to the
■*" SScSely a model of. his prane, with three, powers, which .was examitned
by the Committee of Mechanics, whorefolveUtoireeommend t© the.Soci’&|y
ijo gi^e^the inventor ¥ bblliJ^^^^ifty Rounds, jOglf ep&ditj^nrvht WP^klSlf ^g,e
the faid model withthd Ssi^^y/pr jtbe 'UfC iOf t)ie public*
T o which the Society agreed, 'FebtVd^.’
, 2i, In thejyeiii Mr. Aaron Milkrp/jfi^eMyJedey^^efer^ediJtlie
Society witMi¥ivfiy iclsoWBcdmp^^; and) p®©tr¥£&k}tifQr iwteeh .he; haAtbe
A a d try ofrt-he Society, ^¥)hoflntyiife|Kii':iGwneasf s'-:~.
i) i$} 3n ;the year 17 67, an iexpapdingirodiftt ^9Ugif^%d®#firaspK)dK£i4d,
•i®:idie“^gete'fy'!by: ,Mr.-Jatnes!'*&®3i% fire inventor. This machine was examined
by . thc ;.Comnaittec of Mechanics,.who *eeommended-.. to tihe Society
,tb give iheinv.ehtor a .bounty ofI Twenty; Founds/ t e dpasibgidae machine
. with: the Society. -.Or
To which the'Soci&tyagreed, April
iN, B. About two years after, Mr.-Eferd..produced.)another:expanding Rod,
with confiderahle improvements, for which he had' alfo a -bounty o f -Fifteen
5b the year’i ^ i , a Machine Cart;was produced to'-th&fSiai^ety^m its
full magnitude; by MrrfJeoige Black, of Berwick upon Tw.eed. By the
jpachineiy fixed, to the Cart, one. man., without .cattle, can drive it .oil plain
ground, the ma*-
chinery'occ^fi&nally, .when the Cartas in a flo,ugh,( ©trgoiAgjnp.a hiXKi .,
(I ‘»Mi l1
fo The Committee appointed to examine .this Gaft, fefolved.that the machi-
ing^V>addedftOi'the<^<attifia^)peaJ?s to ihaye feme:usgenuity it its conftruction,
ahd may the ufefuL u ■ 1
*'* Refolved raffp^fiinend to-thc Society,..to giye Mo Black a bounty of Ten
guineas ra^hisflffivoMu'n’l'.'lie fending a-model of it to the SpeiiSty, in the
^opfirbiotR5fethffi.ec anchdi: to'a^-Qt/ r
•ujT 6 which the Society agreed, ■ A p f i f i%cyrtf6M:\1
H||| Inithe yearh^t^yf^Mpdel ofd$ M abb iff© If Or- forging- Wheel-tire, was
ip«t>'dlieedItcfithei&cfci'ety'h y /Mr. Tho^ihgoHunt. • r
kr rSBbte' inweMbr -ofi'tftfe'f ®I’0|iel ^ a s '^ f '•pplniok-Befeaj: -thfOe -'ftrbfces with the
tffcamper c^^isaMaDMiife^O^siihffinien&to' form-’Otte ■ lehgth'ief'Tire, and;that
itbrrde dlijofcglhfhore would ptlfechstfcS' holes in thfe’-fafti#.*'* Thik )opwatiqn is
gpe‘^Qrmed.H(ace0^dingJtpr*he-Model) fey a falli-ngowelght} tfemewh'at fimilar to
i®hi;?Maohine foo- <kfaangfjfllfeMWt
1» ^The Ctfmjni^fteo appeinted-ito« exSrftine 'ithe1 Machine; 'refolved «that Mr.
niGthodJof dilcte^ing'‘'tM^litog-weiJh%, ’‘appe-ate W b e tibw, inge-
bjaious, - andTfxmpde ; .and -that i&.wa&i thgiiop'iniori WfVa-e -’Committee, that aJ
fbount-y ^fnTemfiiflhaeais 1 h©agraen $0 .Mr. Hunt,'Ife le^^gBthe - Model with
f . Which w^sragreed tovbyithe Apdl ‘ f
I6yalhithe; yean- iq£ 9; 141 p@Stqbk: Iron Oyoh-forifhe ufe Qf ptiVate families,
„w¥s p^>d^e'd%p 'thei S'etefet-y,^% Mr. .Robert Cte®dnti-tthe'intse&orJ This
MDven-Jwds ceferpdd to theic®nEdefatiohMi&f the- Committee -of Medhatiics,' 'who
;«Kdnanedrit,' aadcrijadaT^JceseL1 tdal^fe# bfecutility^iand^^adticuiarly -'on Ja-
Jtiu'ary'4, at wlfi'ch.dme tjiio; quartern ;|eayeMwpre: prepared^by a -baker/ and
'baked in«fhe ffid- Cfv.en, pfefenee;of the Com-
;# ifte e ; who-'.were fof .opinion that- tihe .laid .lnaares^were well and fuJaCiently
4>aked within the fpace of^tWo hours, and'wrnh drveny finally quantify, of fea
jooal, and that the faid Qvenifwsas, new^. and 'ufefu-kfor many purpofesin pri-
ovate -famihe^, and ait;fea- ■ i e
• r-Refolved^it' is the ojdnjnhpf khe.^»*mittee-jthat thefdd'G)ven piay be
heated with any jothsr fuel; .a-hdi thatj it be recoprmended to; dhe Society to
give Mr. Glementa bounty rof'Fifteen!Guineas, 'he leaving the Oven the: property
of fhiP Sod&ty..'
• T o which Eefolutionlthc Society agreed, January 15* 171730.
7. -In the year tTfi^^sa Boltfngj MiM was produced- to the Society, lby Mr.
Nathaniel Stedman. '-ThiiS. Mill was -referred to vhie. Committsee of Mechanic^,
who examined it, and had h worked in their-prefence, and was of opinion