: [ «5 3
ar§É4ège of the fore trpnfow C <jj the length of this Coulter is feventeen
.'ih'ilhes -and an kalf, its breadth in the’"Blade is two inches and an half, and
half an-inch thick on.its batik edg® inclining to the horizon forty degrees.
S a a L l . -Th&dlrpni Wedge?’, which Ifërve t© fet and fix the coulters to a
prêpdr,'d%th^am ïnclEinaöon^: tM, middle vrédge forced forward the fliank or
upper end! of !the rni'ddf^^Öurfê^ 'till the iron plate on the fore tranfom C,
'enters-irtiÉ'yÜié .notch intended fd"receive it; 'by wh'icn m^ans bdth thd fliare
ar d-tlfe'doultei 3ifl icguLitcfl-and duly fixed.‘ _
K. The Shn«^^> t^yelyc» inches^ and a half, (t6tn its point to the back
1 eSge,1 a'na! rrpm^E^fpf'h.^ns? retüfned'fide^, ~$rè’ tWentjr inches (infide mea-
.fua.) “
liX ', p T w o raiwea^lfmi'jArms, twe'n'ty inches' ahd art half long, and three
i incuts aniFaquaitci broad. -
M, f?d^ffeX-wo h on Kaisj,*'welded to -oié düreeaafnls, prdjeóhng horizon-
ViiWp nfiè’ inoh^and :an' haltp.fi qni thc%upp^i edges, and .elevated two inches
and'tl»ee-’qH'e^fe©r&-af)óèye-.the'jiSlls~B^«B^(i.leaïii.ng<;iaLlittle .-.towards, the handles
; n Vcfid Ipace. (ifiaWmBImifeetween the handles and
fbhc laid ’KaX,; w heil^tl^M ^|b«©r hoe ficstRErafiaS^fiillv on the ground'. .The
tiff'd- o fiait Kars ai e tj& fp tieigene, ïianüle-, from ftfingltoo high; and the void
■ M i s <&tended ta git dT-taijUifot riin Imidlcs tp|iife and turn pit thp. iron
«bolt Pj itiliTy^' dhajre islpet in , a rpr qp^yaïré(fiion to eritèr into the
ground, ■,,
X. N? ^TAn angular rl ugg-iiamc,; itsToic ends1 'drê iët o ff‘at right angles,
and riyetted Co.the^arnipl L, L, - t v t n coljclfcoand an half diftaht from the
O, »The’Cariiagc \Vhpclf u^v^p^fcct diameter^ anid two inched broad on
lifs periphery’ an iron Airtnlb -paffes nave, ana the bridle QL and
I tUc’ cur\edauns JL, L.
/P,* ..;SX§round Iron Bolt, which'paflcs"thröugn'.t®é fore erids of the fills
i B, B, and a round n©le in'the endSf) Pi He angular - tuggprame N.
The Bridle,, iX|fi£teen inches anclf,an\h|li ‘long, from the fwivel or
|5iop|g.ïb the fplndlé ojr^isfofjhq" whdêl!1’ ’
R, "The TravCTS,X^r©ïslPiaü;Xmeteed irtéfi‘ds}Töngj (infide meafure)
! twp inches bfoad, liid one inch thick,
‘ F I G ' t J R E 1 II. §
■ /&' 'G^%rfètrical $£ 'JSrïf A -R El ,1
K- E, E, ^rgBe retmStedj Sides .of the" Shares are three fljchqs and three quar-
Iters -broad, a nd turned up at right, angles with the„face o f the fliare.
f H, ’ The .middle Coülter^ Sb fev&nteen' inches and an half long, (two in-
lehes and an half broad, and half an inch .thick* on its back edge, as before-
H K , The