, f ^ 3
felj fixsd orf-ithe pie.ce cfidVopd •DjJ’thevjcfthirj.cfidelof the-.Spoilt is/ciit -to fern*
'brEtfcfe the’Uii^er ‘part ©fife Sefetb baricalj-ta prevent the feed £rojtjf;fc#tte$Bg, /
J Rj ■ A Mwtife/iGht£LthE0ugh/:tB.ejBottom>of the refervolr,)>three inelie^ and
ia half\:l©hg,band an 'iflbtuand an .eighth broads direitlyriwover -ithebSeed-bar-
re), ■ at each rend of -.this.’ Mortife,. is,fiiejd a pieqe*5o£nhraf$>i“ wh ich, ba.vi'ng dhur
' .wires; r'forms &'Grate, gsjslSfereen, <t t6.prevent any thing bigger than the< grain to be
fown from falling on, the Seed-bamek't fiee Plate. ,3, Figjj 4 ^
/ ^ wfe'^PPngV^be endsyT^wbieh ^are/tfivetted^! a. pie,ce ;pfjbrafs*,} .that
:js ferewecb' o n S e e d - b o x * : near the Mofltife R : the^gpffog^
palfingthrough the Mortife; ibej^yon tKe oppofite^fid^'gf the barrel, th& fun,dqr
part:,©f;it-having e(jdpuWhj euAre^o dired \th^grain ,Iengthwife?in|^^f. fopkets.
iiee.Ifig, b
T , . 3 ®he.Refervoir,i‘or 'Seed-,box,-is, two feet and half an inch fpng ;f -out-
fide tneafuterfline inches and one fourth broad'jfei’ght ■ mehes'^feathth%foEG
- ;en«h) and.fiX inches, at*-the back end. - Note, Uhe.*lia$dsj^vidtkwbiqh, ,tbls /Box 1
made,-! arfctfee. fourths p f an inch thick.;
-rU,,U; - ; Two .-Brackets, hiulqdstothe.fore end of,the Seed^ixihajre^kithe
axfeTof tthfe -iron WheebX: thefe Brackets are ©i^^three^ipchEs, andAihalf
long; their^extrenae bgeadth is tfeee inehe^-^^one, in.ch>andsa*£alfrthiek„7
W j The Axis-of^thi iron W h e e l , in d § | J l i | b three:fouSths^oiag, i ani
'©ne inch and five.eighjthslquare ip the rffrddfeW ferrel on c&clT
-ehd,I and two iron Gudgeons, half an-pneh diameter, «nvwJiielfil^lyol^s ,in\t;he,
, Bole|of.the under ends of4 he Braekets,U^1T. d&,pp|itev2-, >Fig.- I -
«X, > . A caft ire®. Wheel, fix inches diameter,. apdyjte inch aiid %e e '
fourths .-thick} itSjpdgeJorming an c*tufe^angl^;tp:make' k*f%.<|waQr gB©o^etin
the land ^-fhe^g-ai^to drop into. See Slate-?, F%. ij apd Plated sfc ^
Y, A Bracket, ofSheet,.whofe e^treme-lefigth is oheToqtpPd^fe^W^ i&
breadfh;-fix inches arid three fourths ; .its thic-^|§ h t . f e fbaek:ed^e twjjfc^lies'1
pnd eng,fourth, and its for^edge ^ h la n d 'a half!: thte/|ricklt fc nailed to
the fpm end of the Seed-box, having, a ^odvej© its fdre^dgl «^.tefedrerfh* irop
Coulter, which is fattened thereto with two iron Naples apd/%ews.
Z, . The, iron Coulter, one Toot fix inches lopgjkits {hank, or tapper
part, is- half an-dadi bythijee eighths of an japh, ahd^tl^p^rylS^fb ipjISes
in length, and one and air eighth broad, and fifrfntd like a %rp^poipted,jkpife,
to cut the earth in a diredt line before the iron Wheel ,X!
The two-iron .Screws and Staples, that faftefrthe^p^ter tofth^heet7
b?’ b, Two.Staples, by. Which the Plough is drawn.-:
c, c, > . t T-WpStaples, jtp^ys’bich is hung a piece -of ^vood.
/This Plough was tried in prefence of-the, joint Committee.of-Agriculta;q and
V£Wiy? huffed turns Were nia^e with ^tlys.Plough on the prepared W with
wljeati: oae drill bejng heft open for obferying the dropping.’of,the feed. •
- "Refolded, ie,is the opinion of the Committee, that this Drill diiyerSi.th4 -feed ip
a ‘more regulaymanner th§n any Plough in the ppfieffibn of th^ cie ty .
Refoked, that the candidate is entitled to the gold Medal, or Thit^rPoupd^
being the premium,>b%ed, to which the Society agreed,
e n d op B O O K I.