fcom^eaqboSlüiec .flflEie im~,h andffUjdudf 5 a
tran&aa, 1fftJ>;EOS;fi>faFir?fVk1 rtjjpffc igghf^-J^pucjg,. <g ^ a mmpjjg&d,
and. a guaxter-pf .amincb .tjïjcfc, to
Kt|ng. tJy-degej as before-mentioned : ,•$*% S ^ f 1'
te&X^fpre epd rpfijtoe g^?^,.up antoftuy?1? 5 ^ 4^ °
>to^- ppp,£sf,ÏIT
prp.fflr^ jp ^ j f^..^]^g-|>re^ it
^ e jj^q&pgggSjj whereas ^£.leffejpandj-jwffigjxt 1J^o^.1toe{qPp^» y(pr ajhfefe,
a s .& e 'p e ap ie paÜLitojM^ $ :
;wifcK e^j^Tra^fcejï'^
- G tH A P. VIL
A jhott Qefcripiian of aft A r P A R AïMïhS,- crXiAyfrraaytG&rfi^ffSiatfis
■ f Cor-n-y H ay^Jfood.f Szch-takenfrQW aT^bde^nac^\trj0^Srrak ' f T ’u'^,'Imf<0 T ^ :(i
Foatiifrèfnted^to ‘^M^SÊfê^'by RieftAJBLB E o"Yé £ lE d ge wpR.T 11, *
'T 'H IS Apparatus kgbi^l|v^B4 rn«iP% 'ga tke.'feng pfjögiple as anumbrella:
1 its item orptole.is two »feet long, and fisreighths o£ anVnlll^in di meter:
k« upper qud :i§ jnade into a ferew, about thirteen inches
fitStokawoodep nut,- two inches insdi^itftpfj^;gpd JitohUnstoto^ififcki }@n the
upper fide- o fto is ^mptofire^are eight ironpins, c%i®d f gpf-djffijin
other, Én^uruP^diMil^okotbgjJmg^agfpjwI^ejp: toft^ïfflftffêï:h§ ig$tof%iaft
espandpd, &£• : *®elé k .^®ther'«©t ioi£ toe |p«tej§ihfteig?top §8
mentioned, which»totoh\fifcfedto the fcteiw. paftl.of the ftntn ?, }fjh efe
framed togdtoér wkh weight woe.den : b a^ j ê ^ tocl^^ia^d^ a® hak^lopgb bffjf
an inch broad, andl pne-ejghth oif .-an inch -thick r.the.under
nut, isiüêimuBjförtoêd- with an fe<m'ring^Effidcft<pf $&&& % Wflfku^pQ^jin
the edge ,of th&PUfo: ip wMchput tog^q'iffig eight nplpj^st .^hpuf .q^a-^gjbtli
pf an inch broad each. Thelffi#»eentfic ggd8-o|rrthg-gigh%
tioned:, 91% hheifipd hit© toe^toWhps, ia-whkh tosy torP-/$ge^
Up apd-down on toe,-wireor ring Ipfeintg.toejgFo^YUjigrflfetrpigfpgfg,^* Thefe
arms, are ©pf-ég^t-thEee inches long, c^ ^ u a tto t pC ap .ipto 'hwgd, apd-pne»
ieighth of !an into -thick.; toe outer •«p&uPfi’tfefi afcfglffMlf*
taato&sbjhy cord tied from one arm td.,toh‘Pitogr1 jtpchfeya pi,eeq;p£
canvas faftejaed toeseto to. kj&p>ttó®dp. £fumto&toffi&>; &,e.,; Thefmooth end
éêthe &ém, »éf pJɧ*i ig infetted http tocqftaëk öl toru»; •©¥ hftgr ftp {$$0$ i t
from ftoxtos of wind, &c.
f w J
H At P.j VIII.
P 0 vjj&lfon I® ^ IL 3y- P LO Uf? H".
TBMILSrplirujjH inake's' three ^afll^'^TOp^and covers at the fame tittle -, it
. t-opgp5$?; ofc t ^ fcdlpjwji^g ^arts pod j^O(^epient&,' vi^.tfg'ee ,taper binns^
j}Qpp(fR8 ? tji^.hopgpis are filled with cp*n Jto4,..wh^h i? j-gwipeywi
’ inp®*itc t iiii^ il.>11tiU11Eb,‘^hofeTurider’ends'are mod' withdraa,“properly
tofl1^|g^^,1^pg|}ps?f!or 'drills; df undertjgnds of thp trunks
M /^ ^ h lW k 6 4f^s deeper ,nr .fhaflower in topngfgundfelecF?
vin^ : '^ ^ ? P ^ ^ i -hofl ,pto?? propp^ly .fittfifl .tof.. th^t ■ purppfg^
j4 ^iPl§!jgh f bwiJt^ .topr ^^Ipi^g.; the middle fdl(is §x ipche?
i H g hto^d» hut
j?nl^,^it?e i^hps totok; ,phffc. (ill?tr^p. fjxpd- pqui-didant cfr.oru e^to .otherj,
hlbpP^h'SS’? toph>es. hgm o^tto eyti pnd jh^fpyd tpgethpr with
tWP;toayPf/g^4<ipf:;pfpfp; I^0f f 4 h ' ■ 'Phis plough trinypa
nn .^ ^ . ^ ^ g q ^heelsjr^iadg ^if (;w9pd? eight'piphes and., a quarter in. dia*
n^fUer,/ fp r u p ^ l ,^ fanned to
phe en^to^h^'-'wddle .a^, fhP,®9^t^q5s-iot&itop5kpck .end.»)^ .the fid?
fifer .IdfUtoffre- ifjfo hpp; wheels hscddo.^he Jides r9ftop. Plough., .which
rod on toe grenpdpfo giye.mutipn to the.thr&Crto»|l wooden riders,hefuaftep
m^l^oned. ^f(TJ|e( whefl§„prertw)Qf;|get-vJ:wp inch'es igtoiamete^ japd a, quartet
jo^^aa Jpto.pp, .jtoe(,p^:ito^ty;^.,thg»msnQf(.toemj wheels paltos; totudgh, -$q4
J fitted;mto the mpnto^i.fhXihppgr
puds of th e trupks.j ron.wi?jph)reUers,,itliett^^is,regmyedL. and, r,gs it wetp,
numbered into the throat- df the tfunks} frQm y?h?ncei ip is cQjiyeyfdapto the
drills., and properlv. covered with a harpow fitted for that purppfe*,.;;
hSThk Drill-Plougli, with fever^l richer^, w a e itB e j ip a. plpngtied field at
Bfpmhton. ,intorefence of^the CpptoktoeipfifiAgtouitupe^, xyho refnlypH that
,poimda» offered for to.e. heft .Erjll.-^Plpugh, dhpuld he
divided ,as, follows,"feetwaeft, the tryo. p gtp^ ^ ^ .- .fe Rev, ftfr. .GiainfhprOpgh
and Mr. Willey: tosthe former,!.^I. to the latter 2^kto which the Society
agreed, May 14, 1
C H A P .