t 4* 1
Q, - The Scqo|^vK^l;;:ih8-rem feet:diameter, and eleven inpKes Ibyaad :on
its edge, E®ran^^raiw-fbur,,LaHtes, or Arms.
R, thielk Jat»h:ke bottom, and -two feet «$
M;pphet’fqrfacfe, with' a^feraekef fi|M thereon to cariy^the fcfpindle, qftthe
Axis P : the i'nfid^‘ 8r thi$:Wall and) Jffcie-fore fode^of the Bate is .perpendkeilati
and piade to embrace thlfl§q^; ofe tjjj| Scgop-wheel ,||m,Jlie^peii pgtldipular of it?
liftip fq -itl'fdte'BKa P the-i'fdte partfof the'-channel forrhs-h fig^n^<sj£,sD qicfcle,
{finer three fe‘et Bigh^ and is fitted- tb the peripheryof ’the llcsbp-wheeh vta; present
tfe^ lfe r .from ftiiinihg"back* •' -
§ A Walloper, JitBree'fept diametpr, Kapng feventeen Trn®id|eB;-: this
Wallower is “fixed' on the uppfef fend oT'thfe’ perpendicular Shaft M, ajyf is tprned
Dy^me orov^h-^tfea T.
T, A vertical Crown-whecf/ ffe^eh feet7diameteiy havihg ■ forty^four eogs r
tips Whepi !fc"r^ ^ ^ f tB e ':Wln£H98^Sb''
" i:u J ‘U l The Wlnd-fhaft, 'feteeij Ipet long, two feet two ifofchfc&Tquare at its
fore end, apd id tah-fermbne foot four incites octangular.
W, W, ’T3hfo'1b&S Arms, twertfy-fevehfeet' long and etemraftches £|isare
m fhe middle, their outer ends diminifhed tb •&' inches by'thv* fmcBtest; the&
Arms^are driv'efi'ti^Hf Jint6' two m»rtrfes'*m the-fore eiid of the Wind-fhaft U, and
are fattened thereto vkrth brackets and ferew-boks.
X, Xj! 2§c.' : ^The'Sails, 'nine feetfhhgi'ahd two four Iriebfes sk(p&d, .whofe
Arm's, 4re’ twelve feet long : their extreme fefeadth -elevep ‘inches, gradually dih-
mfoifluhg to their otlter ends, where thej^ hre four: iaehes hrejad,: and three
inches thick: thefe Arms are mortifed two inches deep into the Windfoaft, and
are fixed tp the ifofr fides of thepAfms' W,Wc. aife
framing of the head cd" the Mitt is the famfeJ’as in common
P L A T E II. F fflm m a
A PenfpeStipe- View of the M i Lfy taken from ~tped Jfind Side and
l^dFore Enapte.
A, A* &c. . Thp Walla that form the bafe of the Mali.,
B, B, &c._ The Group^fel^. *..
C, C, &c. , The principal Ppfts.
D, T ip ^uarp j^rap^,. fixed on t^e .upper ends of the^p^incipal t*dfts
C ,C , C ,C .
E, E, &c. Four Rails, framed into thp.Rofts, C, C, ^c.
F, The fhort Potts, that fupport .the Rails E, G, and IJ.
G, H, The F$ils, onwhjeh-the hollow Trunk Hands.
I, , The Rails qf the upper Frame to fupport the Trunk.
i > K, ... ., Thp pCtangulai; Fojlp'sy Tiajnkj
L, TJbe fquare Frame, fixed on tfrfe Frame D, me better to fpdurp the
Trunk K.J
M, ;^;®ne perpendicular-s^haft.
N, The Wallower, at the under end of the perpendicular Shaft;
O, The