F *»
Cj The m5Mle R a il; tW feet* five inches'and a Kalf d&^,%rohf fhouHe#
, tp foou|fe; a^ffime^urfh"broad*,' ah^'ffirèfe Trahes and f tó e fbWhs
thic|Tjthis Rail is tenoned ïèto^tliedTë^Rïfifs, <tmeë','feer ’tlro:'injcÉes’diftant fröm
their foïte ends. , $jp Hat5^3, Fig^xxf™
Dj D, T wo Rails ^rtwoh feet eight inches “and threfer fourths löng, from
fhoulder foj&ou],der-p^éfeir^ffi®f®Rtf© ii^fes'Mqadf anp'ene1 inch‘and a'half
thi^k : ^thcfe R.uisMrc^ mortirtd’'iht<^^4ore 'end Rail, and the middle Rail,' fe9en
inches,|nd a,haj/diflant frWHhpMaer |dges of the fjde Rails. ^See’’ ffate 3, Fig. 5.
Fj F?. Two^^^q'p'Shdels^ ■ fonc; foot four |nen™long^bne; in'èh and three
fourths Broad, |p|ïgh%|,e Tpyrtltif of an iqtQh. thick :. ^ëio^'SB^rsTim&föugh: a
mortife'l^acH ‘of||l?«Ra3s. p , D, ’thirteen, u^hds'^nd^a-half ^ftai^tfeom their
fore ffeM&s, and ajfo ^ r^ ^ '^ r t f f^m ^ e^ u r v e^ ^oristó^F, Ipplhich ■ -Wey'
are Mflënedjadth iron nj&jL thc'undcr ends d^tn^^iidefs ^eceh^ the^axfs^ or •piirtits,
'|°?TW wfooK. bj|i fhifting the ircfi^^'i^tQ tSe puprinolpes di#$he
SKdeTs, isTaifeckorFcS^rpifed' hfcoTdfog tx»‘,‘t^p^èptÊ sequirècf for^foWihg; See
’ Rlats -*? J f e j^g,* £
F, F, The fwo curved" frdlispflïtened fo^the,. Rails ‘ D, U, t,0 fuppQ'tt ^ e
Slider E, É,’ &G,|^^efpm.|nen&oQe(L , ,
« H The % ‘e wleêr; one, foot-feeH fpches^and £ half diamdtejf, and" two
ins^tG^on its rijn r. -.
H, ^The iron aiisplf the huid^WBeelsj^s^ar feet ^gi^cRt* Vpng , jncf an
inch fipwe, ,with a ferew and n^fe a ï^k-end, -igrpfrgVehqifrei^ e& ^ Q id 'Jcpm‘e-'
ing off; it is filed ^pd^ver the.fide Rads,! and rcveliugtH? 1'wdj -t^cÏÏaf'fiied
on their upper fi^es* With fcrew-BoIts-on, thet^axis.
Th^hr^e Wheels* hy, wfuc^dtre' heans 'aré^-fivcfeiPiSfo^thö
trunks, or pouygyapc^M^ M, M: t{iefe’ Wheels "a^e eferén^ral!it&^n5 “diafoeter,
and one inch and a half thfck;' tfiea (edge ’^rcr^Jprms 5a|^«b#5?ifhJ holes at'
fockets pig e^ej^fide ofitfie angle, \the'Sie o f ar ïiug|&$êdnl^^erFigf WR
K3 j Two Brackft|^e^hfoF which is" ^v&ed^rif^^^M^fe^iS'Brace
the fpindle of-the ircdi, axis: thé Bracketsare eigfrtiricbe-s JÖnÈJ tïeif ekt?èfoè Breadth
•is five inches, and two inches thick ; they are fattened to We upper liFrTadéfof'thé^
fide Rail before mentioned, four^feet one inch diftant fipm, jheirjfore- eÉHs. to the
center, of the Brackets, with firong iron bolte, Screws,' and nïïlf*Ei X, &c.
See plate 2. Fig. 4. ..
, L, L, &e. , The iron bolts; nine inches longf and half ah "inch thick, whofe
upper ends ate fci^wed, qnd nuts, put thereon, to fi« the. Ehackets,
M, M^M, The thtee Trunks oj ccmveyances, which receive the Tfops from'
the Wheels and conv^ them into the ground: thefe codvCTaposs are, divided into
two lengths, each;, the upper.parts are eleven inches long, four inches and a half
broad, and two inches an4 a b d f deep afejfcheiar vfper ends, and two inches'and a
half fquare at their under ends ; they are fattened to the fore fide of the, feed-
bor: the under parts of the conveyances are ©fie foot four-inches and a half long,
and two.inches and a half fquare at their upper ends, which are fixed in a mortife
in the middle Crofs-rail: their undter ends are formed like fhares, to maké the fur-
foWs for tfio earn, and are covered with iron plate.
W, W, Two