1 M M Ê
F, A - Brafs, Handle, faftened to the head' of ;the ■ hiv.e, with whi<|k- it ii
occafionally lifted up to take oiltj,the 'honey apd wax. I
G, A round Stick, or Slip of N^oc|^aboutJ*an inch m 'diameter/; axed in-
a perpendicular pofitioti. ifi_ the "centerleif the. hive^o1'which is fafteijd| another
Stick of about this fanjg. dimepfions., emended, horizontally frolp flpie
. fide of the hive to'-'the other; thefe Sticks ferve to fupport and fteady the
loaded comb's, .and prevent them from breaking with their own weight', Or
by any_ accidental fhock, &c.
H, A Brafs. or .Tin Sliding-Valve, ■ .eleven inches long, arid
• 1, I, I, I;, 'Four Glafs Windowsjiwith fhutters’ whieh -are rtakt?n 6ff' opcafionklly
to- fee the working of the bees, as reprelented in' the ‘ view "of'the octagon hivel
R, A )¥p®d®n .Siding Valve*- ten- irichefe lpngr ’fohtJ'ftiefh'Ss'%i^ad,1
quarter of an inch thick ; whep tfip- jbecAiare^ like-.to' fwarm, the£eTVaflvgs,, as
before-mentiqned;, are to be drawn out to make&way for, t them Ms 4 go,, up ' into
the'Hive above, which they Wijtl readily - without fwarming, g r fipHg off;
and at night, when the new and old fwarrfts are both" qdfpt* imjheir Hives,
the coipmmicaifcn' between* the two hivesr^is'^to be fliut r8|)^by*thrufl:ing
the Valve into its place. :.
L, An Aperture,, three inches long, and three-eighths of an inch broad, through
which the bees enter into their new habitations'
. M, M-, . Two Brafs Handles, by which the hive is lifttcrup'hrbmrafc^Ho^'*^
C H , A ; P. XXI.
A Defcription and Explanation dfthe B RA B A N T and H A IN A U L T R E A P IN G -
. S C Y T H E S STA F F -H O O K , prefented to "t heSociety ^/WitpiAM Hanbcry,
Efq; June i, 1763,
’ ■ Fig. 2. AperfpeBwe Vunq-of theBrabant^ScyxIhe.
A, 'T T ' H E Blade of this Scythe, is two feet ten inches long, and three
JL inches and an half at the heel.
B, - An Iron Ring or Ferril, and Wedge, with which the feythe is faftened 4 .
the fnead.
C, The Snead, or Handle, is three feet feven inches long, having a crutch head,
which is placed under the right arm of the reaper when he ufes the feythe.
D, A Slip of Leather, "fixteep inches long, and one inch broad j one end of it
is nailed to the {head, the other has a flit or loop in the end of i t ; for the reaper to
put Ms thumb into ; which done, he wraps the flip of leather round his hand, the
better to fecure and fteady the feythe.
f l \ S 1 .
The Grafp, or Handle, is faftened to the fnead with an iron wedge, and art
iron ferril, whole fhank paffes through the Gtafp,.and is rivetted to tne end of it.
a curved Piece of Wood, faftened to the end of.thc Mead, which is placed
like a crutch under the right arm of the reaper, and ferves as a fulcrum, or center
§J motion of the feythe j j the re ipers ufe this feythe with the crutch-head under
thc right: arm, and a ftafl' -hook,.like the Hamault hpok in the left hand. f j
i p . V i i i r ^ m .
A\ perfpeEtive View.-qf. .the TIainault Reaping-Scythe|
The Blade is one foot eight inches long, and. its extreme breadth is three
inche's, gradually dimtnifhing towards its point md heel; its back edge, from the
extremity o f its breadth to its poinl, forms a curve nearly to a fourth parfof a circle^
whofe radius is five inches ; the .Hade of this feythe is not flat like other fcydles,
lts’^mi'^fide'meihg U^fediiJp roiiiulii^'ofppcHNlyAowarils its 1'eei; where its
baof ^dgd’ isTtt up,* fi^much f$l*&h lpcVitsHJppci. lurface almdft as hollow ad
fjljPfnmon t.foliPfflppni''*1 / ** ‘ “
An lronFeriS^an'd Wedge,'wi|Mv^.ich the icitlus lafljhcd to the fluid. J
J c , The Snead of this Scythe, is two fee't two inches long, onbinch andan]glf
feWdjWd'Me-iieh’-a'nik quarterthick, At 'uNilidt-i end*. v,Sd, : l£
L D, A Slip of Leather,: or Loop, faftened to the upper cad of the fnead for the
pjirpofe hefbre-meiitione d.
'..mm' 1 g h m m i
- A perfpeBive View - oj the Staff Hook..
, A j' p‘l,c staff of the Hook, is four feet long, and about an inch broad, by/op
inch thick| iti§ ufed with the left hand to colled the corn in fuchfmall parcels as the
Paper’s strength o^dpxtcrity can^cul oit at 1 ftrokc, vutli Lho fc|llm,inM| right
hand, which alternately follows the motion: of the Staff-Hook m his left. ' \
3 B, A round Iron Hook, whofe back edge forms a curve, which is part of i c g I
- its fhank or
b f i| th | e n 2 ¥m e :ftaff, afitfs fhape^ h k e ^ d g ? * and in fe r .t^ « | the Iplit^nd
oftlie’Hbok, wjiichis 1 iflxned 1 ith 11 on i i v p t s P ’* | « | B H
„ C ’ TheMortife in the End of the Staff, i of no other ufe thantopafsa father
ftrap; or cord t ^ i g ^ e n t|e f ia ^ f id o g f c y t y ^ ^ .J ^ b e tied up m a trundle
to befcarried on tke reapfer^ J ^ -5 < m., 4 ■ ■ V. * _ *. • . .
D A Leather Lo op, faftened to the ftaff, for the fingers o f the le ft hand to pals
through, to fteady the hand, and to keep the grafp at a proper diftancc from the
ground. \
E N D o f b o .0 k 1.