it NJP ]
C H ' A ■ P, II,
Kxplimatmi f f Mr. Borrows .MA^HJEJE for ^pnding
arfd ¥<altfhkig GJqfs, taken from a M o d e l a
PLA/JT E I. J I G. i.
t. ‘A .^perjpéffitve - Vteqj&i t$gi Mp. CH I MB. «J ,
A, f ' ï ' f i E ':Öf < t le ' ^og^^feedl,' 'iè Alrte röfcïtè^; aM tiirèe-
X fourths oj^an inch ih dfötoètcij;‘ ttie Tinder end of ;this Shaft turns
On a fteel point or pivot/ and its upper enpts^in iïon'gu’tfgoon, as' represented
in Fig. j*.
B, An ho'rrzontaT Cog-whe& one foot* in mametèr, -with gÜe^Mndted
and iïxïy-eight tgéfeb. This Wh#el ;giveg mot^rn^t© the
whêe^Ê, anti the Vertical wheel ,V.
C, / - An horizontal Cellar >Bgam fattened to t-hei peipenffie^r ihaftXghis
-riiaéhifle;i® workèd with a horfer (fattened t©f the hofckrental‘ CoSar. Bejta, whole
radius'is fife ‘inches riynd- an half.
D, Two Colter Staves ifaertfféd ipfco thé fceHrfr bé$«i*
E, An hor^zon1|| Spufiwheeh 6ïiê ifieh and th#e'fe-f'dufyi&dHWneter> Wth
thirty-“two ieètb.
F, An-Iron Gr|rfk, whofe radius is M^anjneh, tfe&mppero^id, of-rjifs
Crank is thé fpiridle oE the' ftnall tiig-^lieel E ;,/ks ,-ëxtrème ,$trrgth j^jfiye
inches ^ven-e^gfaths% thiekiaefe <jfflfe*eigfctih aiid one-fixteenth o f . an *Hch •.
tMs Ctahk giyesP progteffive and:regrteffiVe motion t&.thhiop.r-od K> whieh
traverfes through a jjlw in thehead'r®(Ethe .pilkrE:E
G, A Brafs curved Ante, LW»,inches apd "eight-twelfths long, 'wkh'/a
'hole for a rehter-|>ki at its innefr end* and a deck on its upper fu*faè% thtffiUgh
which the dire&ing rod Kj tfaverfel^ and b y the roblifae/ motion of, ^he
lerartk F, the pphif^f the earved Arms* G^ftrikea pr&mtfedbufly againft l | p
teeth of the ffarvwheel H, by which means an irr egular/mofkm . is * given'$o
tfeebox N.
H, A Brafs Wheel, onednch and five^iwelfths'-in di&rf^ter, vyfrthdey&n
long teeth : this Wheel is-faftenëd'to an item center-pin, fixed in the .middle,
of the wherrer-box- N. The upper end of ,the center-pin froje&s abbVfe' the
furface of the wheel, and paffes loofely through a hóle itf-t^direEtiilg rod K,
for . which''purppfe the rod is made flat at that part where the pin paffes
through. -
I, A