c H I
A PerfpeÇlivè jür. B a n d ’s I R O N P ,L Ô Ü G H ;
F L 1ST î.' ^I*G . i.
. -Àt A rH îçon Beam, five feej&ànd fix fiches, long its extreme breadth
X“\ . is0thseeJnçhe& and a quatjter, and three quarters of an inch thick.
B, u Jhehfid'e Braces fllul,feet eleven, ,inçhe^ ancfi a-, WifiJpng ;" its extreme ,
'bfeadjh is thiee,inches and,three quarters* and half,an.,inch ^hiclc ; this brace is
,£a%ned to the'lapdgfcte ;pf; the .Beamf pith five .ffitews' and> nuts : this Brace, thus
fixed to.Jhe'.rBeam, Jprmsi' a;,mortifp,' one jnch^ and an half wide, ta receiv'd the
Counter. 9 1
,, C, „ A Mortife ip, the fide of the .Beam, anq^rt^neAin^me fide of the Brace,
two feçt„nine finchgs disant from âfi? foç^end, o f tne Beam ; fthe Mortife ‘is fix
inches and a-uhalf long, and an 'inch broad : by thefdf Mortifes the? Coultêr is fet
forward oe backward at djfcrefeipnj „ Note,, only one .Mortifes ,is feen'iri
ïmfs.,viçv?., , ^ £ !. 1 r . J 1
D, An iron Guide for the doulter, wtoch, faffing, through* the fide and
at>d perpendicular Mortifes, "fixes the Coulter to-Jne Beam,'and Brace, by means
o f three. ftrongdgrews "anqkmus,,, ^ w’Rich _ p af 'through“*,the fide Mortifes,1 and
through the Wafnèes É, E .. see Fig,_ 2, aha
E, Thé waflieè, or iron plate for mefnuls* ©Î the Gmae*to Dear .againfl: to
fix it to ,thç Beam, -Sec,,,
. F," , The Coulter," ènefoot and' eleveff inches tqnri; the extrême breâ'dfh of
„ its bladoqs two inches?; .its" fijaink" ik brie ihçh’and*fjrc eîgnfns Dfopjs arid three
Quarters- of an inch thick.
G, ,The Cat-head, ^ forming af^oriion ■ or aT aîae;* ivhofe’ ffaiuF^îl,' nuifi
inches, wfifilfune^holesdp it, by which the plough iV fët more \q or ffopi land, > as
need requires.. f
&, The Bridle, or'Tug-frame, "thirteen"'Sphel^ long, trdniv'®sy'"fc®fer, ‘ on
Which it trims, to ’its fomedgef its extreme breadth’ isg^errltfcnes^arid a quarter;
ànd half an incnvthîck, èxcèbt1 a fn s^ p e ï? àim,p mcTÇafméàa,’1 mi ere it is flatted
to an incn.and à Mmto*receive We.'riifisPtnarmfiennrao* the Beam arid Càt-
:'m\'thè forëpapt omhë-'BriÆri''areVhlrie':no^ësf'ly'VMch^Ûïe‘ plctagh &
gujlded deeper nr fhallower in the grotfnd,
I, "The ‘Cérifêr-piil, that p'affes through the' Bearn,. * rilfd'-flfterri-fhe Bridle
h e r eto with* a fcraWjmd mit.j I
’ K, A, taper iHïri’ Pin, ffiat pàfïelF tMcrogh- a hofte' in the “Bridle, or fPug-
irâhié, àhd bile 'of thèr hol'es iriJffie Câf-heacry® drid fixes ft thereto.
IL jL An iron HopRfefiy which the plough is' drawn ; and by placing it in dif-
wSriçfiëtëhe§ in fhë foré end âf the'-;Bridle H,- ffie dêpffi ®fithe farrow isr'regu-
wted'. p i
E M, The