§ ^ i 1
~E,I A Spur-Wheel, .twpanehes.jan&fiyeTeightW'ififthameter, with fourteen
teeth canne&edjfto, the fgurrwhftel; G-
'}Gr„, A Spur,-Wheel,. one inchi.and.^^ep^eiglp^&.iiti.diameterj 'with qight
, (H,t - jatta ppe/tfqusthjin djaqietef, with
eighteen cog-., actuated b) the fpur^yh^elll.
;L • ^nun-Wheelj.ithreft- ig^fs;[andTj^fe^:- qpJJtefS. ill diameter, i With
nineteen |®gg ;' tKi's Wheel lsYaftened »to the oi|j}erj§ndo®f hhdbarrel*, apd.re*
v°Jye^with: H11
K, '*• Wooden• Cylinder, 'eight inches .and three-eighths-iii.dia*
metewand, eight inches, hroa^,, Q®_it3 g^ighd^Msditwl^h; there; are fixed a
"Tet ofTluds oi fnebiOn-ioIlers> m;3[:fp ^ ltdii}e(5fiqi^l;e(piyifiBstfe!3»i fifch'.‘©ther*
Thefe. finds or. lifting rplle^Sphe^ag-thus, (^g&Jfedj the^lMfiupjther^tfiper^’of.
flails,. T'l’jt in fiicaeifiuis order aSt^ef^lig^Sc^ydly#,^' :
|F L , Twelve m rp u 'O i lin k , louiken inches long,.'and onA-third of
ani i.3|ch %9ff?r ea^lgOfh^y/tSd pr^gerjf'.fitted t®
fhrarr, egg j th^syfipfien., ati,%fepy, HuiotatSopi; fbn which
jp-npoie there Sre* mortiiW' ®h,^fieheJsi,'‘cul3:,i0r; the; rails' fitifi. in. which the
dtainpers move loofely up aHd.ids^%r^dfe^^-^wa^uaii®i-by1fiie.ibfi&U of
■ ;fd^cuxiifoUersJorjrhs feet pfi the M«c aight. hif. tfiiif
■ bearings or undciiends, and c u r v e d r e p r e -
icnted;anJFig«t.a»ri'Vtfee®dlSs pPmEH® .aotiraa foofcetv QD!':fhde* ■ fattened tip t?hei
ftaiptfttr, .aiitllipro^rl^fitfi^. ©fetdeiftidtiioB'-BQ-lkiT Oti;tjlie cylinder,
y M, '.f P » l^ ^ l''Cro.'vfeinWjfefe8h-fefe^d-tdjSlaei iaimdc epthof thc. cylihd&Et
v this. Wheel is nine ipehesyn fiiai®2fej3,, ;wit’h fiftpqogs;, .copn^fied tp; the henri-
ttzontal crown-wheel N. ^
m m , feo^§gfititCr«wrth'Wheehi focBteiScfc» apd aa'-HaK in diameter,
awl the; wlholgtrain osxBne^lefi'iheretov h
h o , A Pair of Stdfeetfor grinding ;Gpm^hight inch&arid three quartern ip
. and; twp inehesi and Qpe reighthsstdaieiv* edttfeiftorte»1
I ' ,p . 'I^^ntetn-Wheel*tWp'ipfchasiaaidiah halfiJmdjajbsafefiii with ty&ptyS
qgg.jtrt^dli?^*|I 6
Q; An horizontal-S|>nr-Wheefe^fl^|^in diameter»^ awithl 'fissSyjcegs ;
this'wheel g^jes^pio^h'to-th^iS^lsftpfies, 6h;>®id Jknterrfewheel 0|. on.tihe
^gg>jSr^ro|^Mi> hnrnaiq bus >d Ian ariJ
. ^ ^ ow s -W h a e^ & ^ ^ h e s awd aa hafi in diameter, with forty
, R,
? '8,
train. T ,T ,
A Crown-Wheel^ eight ipc-hes anddnfialfi in diaifieter, with forty^
this mover of the