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\ <6 • H A P. ■ IV;
>; Mn fó d t i t e ^sfc**i.fcW ;W I'N ö **.M ï-fc-L«
P L A T E I . F I Gu ,i. -
A^Aè : i ' l eng*
j . mm tne ground- floor to ^ the jkji^jfs twenty feet ieven
inches ajjd -a half; their rbreadfli | at th,eir under encls one -foot ten indies, and at
thejr upper ends one, foot fix inches, and, one foot fiye, inches thick.
W g f ^ A ; ^Coldmn, twelve feet ten niches fold a half long* ope Foot fey^n
inches, diame-ter at ,}£? lijder epd, ,and ,^ne foot four inches at it? upper end:, this
tiolufon^w |he |ervtrex'^ihe. Mill, .p^ffipg.through^e firft 4 <»* i ;ite u$r
per end is fecured-hy (the RaifoE^ F, F.
; C, fc.fG ^^mlGirdejs'.pf the firft floor,, eight feetffotye-inches long* eler
ra#lri^ès^briad; and'Ifhe thicl^"anortijed' foto, the, principal Poft?, and intd
the Coluijm reisht feet^tl^pe,(ip^hj^j|iqye ^h^g^pund-floor-4 _ . - ;
' D.; D „ Tfope^PAftsj.,Jix, feet four .inches, afoLa half long from flfouHer
to 'ifioufder of ^feir tenons-,»'»fee'kchès firoad*, |L]id»fix inches thick: foefe -Pofts
afomortifedinfoflie girders pfthe firft and feconi floor? ttyp %et four inchesdifd
| e •• e fi ; i < ■ W i ...
. Orders pfothp. deqond,
t^oulfler of ;fo«r, tynons*} ei^v^p ^indies, .broad, and;,,nine, thick, ty thefe Girded
are vmorti|d,fo to jfoe jfofts A „r&c. and reft on the upper ends of the
ï*ófts I Xd f i t f ? 'J<roihneq^'! ' .O | 1
F ,F j F, 'f'hree Rails, three feet one inch and a.half; long from fobidder
tp.fliRulda^of ?their .tenpn^qfcven;,inchesjbroad*: and,three thickTjthefe|Rails
are, rportfled intp the P q| s ^ .p n d the end of foe. Golumn B, four feet
three inches above the floor to their upper pdges.
I G , ,^ ,,iin The,F.foft, Fl®°T> h WJ
Hp, H, H Arfos of: foe BfJiy-Wees their extreme length is two feet
four inches, ejght; jnche? ; broad,. and fix thick* having a mortife. .in the under
pnd mf. fgich of rhenl-orie foot. twoindhes lóëg; find ;foieeLfoehes broad* ts refeeive
the' tenons^of the Bray-ïrCès'jPtheir upper end's are fliouldered on the angle, and
oaijed I» thy .Qtfders G, &ty . ^Note* nfilyerie sfifopAfras is feep in this view.
I,. , t Qgy-pfbfoe JBrajhtffeef, jfdur ;feet'sfoo:fofoe$vleng, froto foe flioulder of
ity tenoD, :pitle iipch4s .ftnd a hdfbroSfo ard iéveb. foiekifoavfog h.hW *
through its, fidej one foeti^fiMdn^wsr.'frfiPJ'.foc foouWe-r ®f-jts tynoa* to receive
the tenon at thPfore end ‘ïlSe Bridge-treb^thè ttadn óf fob Bray-tree paffes
forough.fte.wp^ fo -tRe Arm: H* dad>afl»/««.8'0olt k .p t throagb,foe.
Arm* and the middfo :b£ tlfe mortife.
: K, K, v ,Two.of the» iron Scfbw-bdl'ts, by which "foe fore ends of the Bray-
trees are railed or deprefl"e(fr.5 .