f Hg 3
diameter, patt »ft tiier is v& M d , aad moved
feebly! >ttp .^g. p
• B, An ^Pdlfif^ Sefflbw, with a double worm* or thread, three inches and
an hsJft.lo^g^i&Qifts&oitlldeR^tO'^lQjildiSf». ami one inch and an half diameter;
the piyotsJ-JOf - : t h e turn in? twh i«On; plates fanned to the head o f the
psdedaft .
p i£ An Horizontal* Scarew Wheels ;f<5ur r4ianitften,. and five^ghths
o&naiaciithicliL, vtrith temfpkal .teeSh^On its periphery ? this ‘Wheel, and the
|f§e%£t, or hollqw cylinder i f | are^fnade fctfi ^ne entire piece of iron; thg
^k tjle being a box, or’ifIjilhll, fo^|fi||hich tqyolvfe$rround the lifter, or fcrew
G,l Thigh tog,et'|ef with thefehee fC j is put in motion ‘by the endlefs fcrew
-«anji which B, I.
D. pMA'-iPiec^f Brafs three Inches" diarp.eterj, and -an inch thick
with pl^e^in ti^e%rud'd'lei»|i'if one inch and fevemfeS^s'diameter, for the
Iffirew G to p?f> freely thioyglrsj JEhi1« piece ^of JBfafs /&i|l:aiijh the fcreiy-<
|»%lieef C, boxvE/.ftcrew'G/, and.whatever ^eigh^i^to he failed on tire points
Hi and K.
E, A Box, or-‘hollow &liidt£i‘, tWo'inches andjfae^bigk^s^long, and
inches apd-one-fourth diametery this Box k al '.female, fcrCw 'which
|||>yolves round the fcrew' Gy sand is a&uated by the winch I, ast before-men-
■ F, An Iron Tiibe; brazed to the iron cap of the pedeftal, projecting five*
eighths'-of an inch above it, and one quarter below it jr 'tMs Tube ferves t6
guide thefcrew G, as k mosfesup and down. | j
G , ; - A perpendicular Screw, or lifte r, two feet long, and one inch and
three quarters diameter, having a double worm or thread, and an hold-faff oa
its upper end;
H, A Steef Hold&ft, with; four angular points, m daws« ;
F I G. 3.
I, A Winch',1 whofe radiqs, i f fme mdhes 'and an half.
F I G.‘ 2. .
K, An ffpldfaft, welded to the under end, of the perpendicular fcrew, or.
lifter; this fipldfaft wpr^s o,n,the fide of tlie.mpcjiinp, projecting two inches
and an half therefrom* and is guided by a channel, qr, aperture, cut through
the fide of the pedeftal.
Iq 1^,. fw.o angular Points, driven into .the bottom of the pedeftal to
keep it fteady oil the' ground.
X x This